Berlin in pictures - From the subway to a cool event in 13 pictures

in Photography Lovers11 months ago

A short visit to Berlin

Let’s start with the Fernsehturm or Berlin TV Tower, which is an iconic landmark in Berlin, standing at 368 meters (1,207 feet) tall, making it Germany's tallest structure. Constructed in 1969 in East Berlin, it serves as both a broadcast tower and a popular tourist attraction. The tower's observation deck at 203 meters (666 feet) offers panoramic views of up to 40 kilometers (25 miles).


The revolving restaurant called the "Sphere," sits just above the observation deck, providing diners with changing city views. This historic symbol of East Germany attracts millions of visitors yearly, accessible via public transport in Alexanderplatz, a central hub for shopping, dining, and entertainment.


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A view from above

Enjoy this great view from above to the city of Berlin


How to find the TV Tower


Rathaus Spandau Subway Station

A cool and old Subway Station in Berlin with a captivating blend of history and convenience. This timeless station seamlessly combines classic design with modern functionality, making it a unique gateway to Berlin's past and present. Located in the heart of Spandau, it offers easy access to the district's cobblestone streets, the medieval Spandau Citadel, and local eateries. Stepping onto this platform is like stepping into a living storybook where history meets modernity.


Time of my train to Siemensdamm


Inside the Subway


Siemensdamm Subway Station: Where Timeless Design Meets Berlin's Soul

Siemensdamm Subway Station in Berlin is a modest yet welcoming gateway to the city's vibrant soul. With a history dating back to its opening in 1984, this station embodies both ageless charm and modern efficiency.

As you step onto the platform, you can feel the bustling energy of Berlin waiting to be explored. The station's blend of timeless design elements and contemporary aesthetics strikes a harmonious balance that mirrors the city's character. The interior boasts sleek lines, polished surfaces, and a color palette that exudes an air of optimism.



Its well-connected subway system makes reaching iconic landmarks like the Brandenburg Gate or the Berlin Wall a breeze. Beyond convenience, Siemensdamm introduces you to Berlin's diverse tapestry of people. Striking up a conversation with a friendly local or fellow traveler is easy here.

Siemensdamm isn't just a subway station; it's the starting point of an adventure filled with history, creativity, and warm Berliner hospitality. So, with a smile, I encourage you to begin your Berlin journey here and let the city's spirit captivate you.

At the convention

Visiting a convention is always fun as there are plenty of new technologies to see and touch.

See some cool new speaker-tracking tools in action while tracking my movements at a stage.




I‘m really looking forward to using this technology on Hybrid events to reduce the complexity of the audio and video setup.

Sure they have a beer in beerlin

Some time ago I took these lovely pictures somewhere in the city of Berlin



Have a great day everybody
and let us travel the world again

pic by @detlev

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@detlev, The Fernsehturm or Berlin Television Tower is a beauty, it is truly an emblem of Berlin, and its height of 368 meters (1,207 feet) is incredible, which makes it the tallest structure in Germany, as well as the Rotary Restaurant What you describe must be something new, never seen by me. What beautiful places and excellent photos. I wish you much success and I thank you for your visits to my publications. Greetings from Venezuela.

This tower counts already a few years. It is a cool place to visit and if I find the time I will post the pictures from Berlin I made on the top.

They are spaces or environments that, despite the years, their conservation or care is very good, that is, the tower is a beautiful place to visit, I will wait for the publication of the photos of Berlin at the top, it must be great. Thanks for your reply. Greetings. Successes.

Nice we went there recently, very cool place!

Yes, did it last year after traveling Berlin for so many years

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Beer? In Berlin? You've got to be pulling my leg there!

On a more serious note, if that tower is in East Berlin from 1969, I have to assume it is Soviet-era architecture. How much remains from that era? The Berlin Wall fell when I was too young to remember the occasion. Is there some celebrated nostalgic element, is it just accepted as part of the landscape, or in the process of being transformed or replaced to make it go away?

It is a tourist magnet as the view is so nice.

Berlin has so many things to see, from history to bad ass party places and just cool locations to live.

Looking back, I clearly did not phrase my question well. I wanted to know city-wide how the Soviet era architecture tends to be perceived after reunification. Icons like the twer seem to transcend that issue, but other buildings may not. Were they generally well-built? Well-built or not, are they well-regarded, or often seen as eyesores and reminders of bad times?

ahhhh, good question.
Even if I'm not the best one to answer this, I think a fair amount of them is still visible and in good condition.

I travel to Berlin since ages and the town changed a lot. Even the former DD pats look "better" or are now some pearls like Prenslauer Berg.

You can spend easily a week or two to visit the city.

Wow the speaker tracking tool looks interesting, what does it actually do? 😅

It frames the guy on stage and tell the camera to follow this person to record him on a perfect view

Oh wow, so instead of having a cameraman following you while you move about on stage, it automatically follows you? That is so cool! 😍

Yeah, and there are different concepts on the market.
One is using 3 static cams and other a few PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) to do the job.

Haha deploying all the fancy tech for you the renowned speaker! 😁

One of my most favourite cities and the one that offered me some of my coolest pictures:
Oups...already 9 years ago!

You need to stop in Aachen!!!

Wish I could when I was around but my schedule going back South was pretty tight. It's an obvious top priority next time around. There's burgers and beers pending 🙂

Indeed - but they only get better by time....

I'd like to go back to Berlin. I've not been up the tower yet, but there's so much to do there. It's not as hectic as some other capital cities and I like that.

Have fun.

Let me know whenever you plan to go there....
... might be there for a !BEER with you.

Hey @steevc, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

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In Berlin gibt es mit der Kamera sehr viel zu entdecken, man muss nur hinschauen

Wie wahr...
...und das macht auch noch Spaß

Da gebe ich dir 100% recht

I enjoyed this Berlin journey with you

The photographs looks amazing 😍

Thanks for your feedback and YES - Berlin ist immer eine Reise wert.

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Absolutely stunning photos! 😍 The close-up shot of the TV tower is truly captivating. Berlin's unique blend of history and modernity is beautifully captured in your images. It's a city that always has something special to offer, whether you're there for a convention or just exploring its vibrant streets. Thanks for sharing these fantastic snapshots of Berlin! 📸🏙️✨

Danke und gern.

Bin seit den wilden 80ern immer wieder mal länger in Berlin.

Wieso hast Du denn den „Spamminator am Hsls hängen“

Berlin lohnt sich :-) - und danke für Dein follow 😄

Ich habe diesen Account von city-of-dresden geschenkt bekommen und da hatte er leider schon den spaminator am Hals 😒 Das führt wohl auch dazu, dass ich manchmal Besuch von meritocracy 💩😡 bekomme. Keine Ahnung wie man das abstellen kann. Ich hatte gehofft es merkt irgendwann mal jemand, dass ich hier ernsthaft versuche etwas aufzubauen.

Ja, am besten wendest Du Dich direkt an die. Von alleine wird das vermutlich nichts

na dazu noch nen !BEER und beim nächsten Besuch in B weiß ich welchen Guide ich buche....

Danke - meld dich wenn Du wieder da bist :-)

Hey @city-of-berlin, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

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