The Frost was Biting Today

The frost was biting today as we went for a walk around the Attenborough Nature Reserve in Nottingham. The nature reserve is a great place to look at the many bird species. You can also use one of the bird watching hides.

The view from across the frozen lake. Parts of the lake were unfrozen where the birds congregated.

The positive side to the freezing cold is it creates some lovely scenes.

The little robins posed for the camera. They are quite used to people being around.

This is a male blackcap eating crab apples. Normally, they migrate back to North Africa for the winter but because our winters are usually relatively mild and the food in nature reserves is plentiful a lot will stay here.

The gulls were all chasing the one gull who’d caught a crayfish for lunch.

At the nature reserve, you can explore the many trails, some long and some shorter. It was a bit too cold today to go too far, but it was still enjoyable.


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Amazing shots

@ellenripley I think I have just scrolled up and down about 7 times looking at each photo again and again and still cannot decide which is my favourite!

I can tell you though, It's a close match between the 1st shot (which I think is a hunting blind? Am I right?)

And then my other favourite is the 2nd shot of the lake, and then my 3rd, 4th and 5th other favourites are the little birdies and then my other favourite is the very pretty but simple post with the frosty leaves and then my other 2 favourites are the birds in flight so pretty much they're all my faves...🤣

Great shots Julie!

Love them all!

Ha ha. I hope you're not still scrolling. You have Christmas presents to buy!

The structure in the first photo is a bird hide, where people can go and sit and watch the birdies or take photos. No hunting involved.