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RE: Nature And Man Made

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

This comment means a lot to me and I'm grateful for it. I'm trying to improve my skills and do better each time.


This is the original photo, which is not so good, but I was glad to be able to take it anyway, as when you are in a group of people, who don't care about photographing, your job becomes a nightmare. I needed to wait for them to go elsewhere and try to take the shot, which is not straight and there's a leg in it. So I tried to adjust it before posting, but I knew it has to be black and white in order to highlight the details. The railing also needed an adjustment and for my eyes, this was the best size.

You won't see my feet on any photos, unless it's intentional 😂 I am always careful of that as could ruin the photo.

Thank you again for the nice comment, it motivates me to do better 😍


The only thing i can see to correct in this original photo is to make the rail at the bottom level and plumb. Once you get that horizon line at the bottom... anchor the other lines to that one, perspective-wise. However, that is quite difficult since the level below is not plumb. So, that makes lining things up a bit more challenging. Great shots for real and i am glad you are encouraged and inspired... because i wasn't just buttering you up. Thanks for always going above and beyond! It's much appreciated!

I really appreciate the suggestions and I'll make sure to learn from them. It's not only helpful but motivating as well. You always know how to motivate people and that makes this community so cool. Feel free to drop suggestions anytime you feel like it. Till then, I'm trying to do my best and be better every single time and also contribute with my best photos 😀

Wow! Thank you so much for saying that. It really means a lot to me. I love to motivate and encourage people. When it's noticed is very gratifying. I have a post i made a long time ago that talks about what i mentioned. I think it has photo tips but don't hate me if i'm wrong. When you have time (which i'm surprised you ever have any 'free time') check it out if you like. I have a feeling you will appreciate it.
Mushroom Kingdom

So I had time to study your post and holy sh*t, you took the castle shot upside down! What are you? A magician? 😂 I can't take a straight shot standing and sober (not that I've ever been drunk) and you took that photo laying on the ground, on your back 😲

I think the universe sent you to me exactly when I needed help and I got it. Am I lucky to have you? Of course I am!

Again, thank you for spending time on helping me. You won't regret it, I promise 😍

I love to help and it's awesome that it's appreciated! Of course i won't regret it! It's been fun seeing many folks that i have helped improve their photographic skills. Usually, the skills are already there it's just a matter of polishing them and a little bit of refinement! I'm no profressional... but i do take it seriously, sometimes! hahhaah

Do I have your permission to mention you in my post today and link your post as well?


Of course, you most certainly do! You didn't have to ask but thanks.

You fully deserve it and using your words, I'm not just buttering you 😂
I had a quick look as I could not resist the temptation, but the post you have suggested seems like pure gold already. I'm going to get back to you about it after I have time to read it properly. I can already see you're talking about what I'm struggling with. You have no idea how much it means to me to get these suggestions ❤️

Wow! Feel free to reach out to me any time you need/want to talk or need help with ANYTHING!!!! I'm so glad to have a quality friend like you. Looking forward to your thoughts/comments on the subject. =)

You make me blush now 😁 Thank you so much, I feel the same and the offer stands on my end too, please contact me if you need anything, I'm here.