Take off your shoes

in Photography Lovers2 months ago


Until yesterday I knew only two places that you HAVE TO take off your shoes before entering. Any Muslim mosque and the house of aunt Marge after she had finished shining her wooden floor :)

Apparently there is a third one that is expected to be treated with the same respect and severity and that would be any luxury yacht!

I couldn't have known.

Yachting is something far away from my interests. I don't even like them. The adjectives that come in my mind when I see one of them are undue, extravagant, flashy, pretentious and all of them in the most negative way that can be used.




Actually I find rather annoying such a shameless display of wealth in a world that the rich are getting richer at the expense of the majority that is suffering. It is beyond my comprehension the mental processes of those people to convince themselves that it is ethical and right to live a life of absolute opulence while children are starving to death. I could never do that. I guess that's one more reason why I'll never be rich :)




But there is this big event in my town called the mediterranean yacht show that is impossible to ignore. So I took my camera and I went to take a look.

Anywise a photographer should be capable to take a few good pictures under any circumstances even in a surrounding that finds repulsive or even hostile.



Finally it wasn't so hard. The sun was about to set, shining with a lovely golden light the curves of the vessels, giving plenty of shooting opportunities and wherever there are people, there is also the element of unexpected that can spice up the pictures!



The camera that I used is a Canon EOS 850D with an EF-S 18-135mm lens attached. I edited the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic

All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

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I do find it very interesting how luxury and poverty survive together. Having said that I have stopped getting aggravated about it. As you rightly said it is not a decision we will make any time soon, so not really our concern.

As engineering feats these yacht's are interesting for sure, and they are very photogenic :)

As for the shoes, some other places are like temples, and most houses in India and other asian countries will also have a "no outside footwear in house" policy :)

In this case of the yacht fair, I guess the reason is closer to your Aunties reason of a fresh wooden floor

Yes, I know that in the Arab world it is used to leave the shoes outside, as well as in many other cultures. I don't find it inappropriate in those cases but it did seem very funny when I saw all those shoes lying on the port :)

Yes, for a fancy fair it was a bit chaotic for sure :)

my favorite is this one

That's a good one :)

I do know other places taking off shoes is their norm. A temple and Asian homes. Haha, you dare not put on your shoes in an Asian home or... well, you know how mothers can be.

Seeing this yatch, I do agree with everything you said. Extravagant? checked. And I never knew taking off one's shoe is expected here. Such a huge information you've given out.

It is nice you had to go because these pictures are amazing!

Thanks a lot!

Yes, I've heard that in many other cultures people leave their shoes outside and I would never go against the will of a mother, Asian or not :)

Haha, that's nice.

...and the house of aunt Marge after she had finished shining her wooden floor :)


but it is a good reason Aunt Marge set that rule in her house. Yachts - I have never stepped on any, just on smaller, modest boats where it was not advised to go without shoes - you never know when a fishing hook would kiss your feet. 😂

I would prefer a fishing boat too. At least they serve a rational purpose!

Εδώ είναι στη μόδα οι τουρκικές νουβέλες και τα σίριαλ και εκεί βλέπουμε ότι όταν μπαίνουν στα σπίτια βγάζουν τα παπούτσια, της μαμάς μου της αρέσει αυτό και τώρα θέλει να μας κάνει να βγάζουμε τα παπούτσια όταν μπαίνουμε στο σπίτι χαχαχα 🤦🏻‍♀️

Και εγώ αηδιάζω όταν βλέπω κόσμο με τόσα πολλά λεφτά που ούτε σε 500 χρόνια τελειώνουν 🙄😒, τί τα θέλεις τόσα πολλά; Δεν έχω μπει ποτέ σε σκάφος πολυτελές.

Στο τέλος έκανες όπως λέμε εδώ, "Si no puedes contra ellos, úneteles", αυτό σημαίνει, "Αν δεν μπορείς να τους νικήσεις, πήγαινε μαζί τους" 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️ και εγώ θα έβαζα, και πάρε και φωτογραφίες για το Hive για να κερδίσεις κανένα φράγκο 😂😂😂😃😉

Όπως το πας, φράση φράση, θα με μάθεις και Ισπανικά με τα μηνύματά σου :)

🤭🤭🤭 ωραία 👍🏻