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RE: From Death's Door to Thriving

in Photography Lovers • last year

It's crazy how fast time goes by, I remember when we were talking about this plant in the server. I think the general consensus was not to give up on her. 😎

Really glad to see the plant thriving like this, very nice job!

I also have the same thought process with getting all of the soil wet so the roots are able to properly shoot down. I don't think this thought process a wrong at all, but it certainly presents challenges with overwatering in the seedling stage.

Seedling stage is not my favorite, maybe you think that way too, so much can go wrong during the early stages and sometimes they seem to take forever to get a couple of nodes.

Strangely I was wondering what this plant would produce without any topping or training before I saw you stating it in the text. I think it's a good idea bro, just go with your instincts.

Can't wait to see how this Crystal Candy comes out.
Keep up the amazing work!

 last year  

Thanks man. It sure is crazy how fast things progress in the early stages, but at the same time, like you said, i hate this stage because they are so fragile and so many things can go wrong. I am still trying to decide if I am going to top this one or just let it grow somewhat naturally.