
If you are as nice to the bees as you were to me you won't get stung 😊😇

I'll remember that, and hope that bees have the same social guidelines as humans otherwise...It could go badly for me.

They will sense if you have bad intentions, at least that is my impression. And you will sense it too lol.

Lol...Well, If you never hear from me again...You'll know those blue-banded bees didn't like me.

LOL, I hope they like you, but yeah Australia...a little different. Now I don't want you to go on the bee hunt anymore 😂

Lol...Yeah it's wild kingdom around here...Most things are looking to kill (not really) but I'm all good...I'm at one with my environment. Blue bees though...Hmm, not sure.

I know you guys are good at blending in 😂