Un relajante paseo entre la naturaleza del Parque La Estación en La Victoria 🌱🌳🚶🏻‍♀️ / A relaxing walk among the nature of La Estación Park in La Victoria 🌱🌳🚶🏻‍♀️

in Photography Loverslast year (edited)
Los parques son un espacio de esparcimiento muy importante dentro de una ciudad, son pulmones vegetales y lugares donde las personas pueden estar en contacto con la naturaleza, alejarse un poco del ruido, el tráfico, la contaminación y el concreto de las ciudades, pueden hacer deporte o distraerse con otras actividades y compartir con la familia o los amigos.

Parks are a very important recreational space within a city, they are vegetal lungs and places where people can be in contact with nature, get away from the noise, traffic, pollution and concrete of the cities, they can play sports or distract themselves with other activities and share with family or friends.



En mi ciudad hay dos parques, uno que está en el lado este llamado Parque Los Libertadores y el otro ubicado en el oeste, El Parque La Estación, que es del que compartiré con ustedes algunas fotos. En este parque se encontraba antiguamente una de las estaciones del tren y de ahí su nombre.

In my city there are two parks, one called Parque Los Libertadores (Park of the liberators) and the other called, El Parque La Estación (The station Park), where the photos I'll share with you are from. This park was once one of the train stations and hence its name.

Fue inaugurado el 1ro de febrero de 1894, el mismo día que el Gran ferrocarril de Venezuela que unía a las ciudades de Caracas y Valencia. Este tren estuvo operativo hasta 1964. En 1977 fue declarado Parque Recreativo del Instituto Nacional de Parques (INPARQUES), sin embargo en 1994 la administración del mismo es entregada a la alcaldía del municipio José Félix Ribas que sigue siendo la responsable de este parque hasta hoy.

It was inaugurated on February 1, 1894, the same day as the Great Railway of Venezuela that linked the cities of Caracas and Valencia. This train was in operation until 1964. In 1977 it was declared a Recreational Park of the National Parks Institute (INPARQUES), however in 1994 its administration was handed over to the mayor's office of the José Félix Ribas quise municipality, which continues to be responsible for this park to this day.

Este parque de 22 hectáreas tiene muchos árboles, vegetación y espacios para descansar, hacer deporte o simplemente para caminar y disfrutar de la tranquilidad que nos ofrece la naturaleza. Sin embargo, hoy sólo compartiré fotos de su
hermosa naturaleza 😊.

This park has 22 hectáreas and it has many trees, vegetation and spaces to rest, play sports or simply to walk and enjoy the tranquility that nature offers us. However, today I will only share photos of its nature 😊.


Hay mucho bambú en el parque / There is a lot of bamboo at the park






La raíz de este árbol sirve de banco para los que quieran descansar un rato / The root of this tree is a good bench for those who want to rest for a while


Unos extraños hongos han crecido sobre este viejo tronco caído / Some strange mushrooms have grown on this old fallen trunk










Más bancos naturales para sentarse / More natural benches to sit on



Es increíble como cambia nuestra frecuencia cuando estamos en un parque, nuestra mente se aquieta al estar rodeados de los relajantes sonidos de las aves, los insectos y la brisa que agita las hojas de los árboles, alejando cualquier pensamiento conflictivo o negativo que pudiésemos tener antes de entrar al parque, respiramos aire puro y nos llenamos de energía positiva. Es una terapia que está al alcance de todos ya que la mayoría de las ciudades cuentan con algún espacio de este tipo.

It's incredible how our frequency changes when we are in a park, our mind is quiet when we are surrounded by the relaxing sounds of birds, insects and the breeze that shakes the leaves of the trees, removing any conflicting or negative thoughts that we may have had before. Entering the park, we breathe fresh air and are filled with positive energy. It's a therapy that is available to everyone since most cities have some space of this type.




Algunos árboles hermosamente cubiertos de follaje / Some trees beautifully covered in foliage




Bueno amigos, espero hayan disfrutado de este pequeño paseo y los invito a visitar con frecuencia los parques que tengan cerca. Venimos de la naturaleza así que siempre nos hace bien compartir con ella.

Well friends, I hope you have enjoyed this little walk and I invite you to frequently visit the parks near you. We come from nature so it's always good for us to share with her.


Todas las fotos fueron hechas y editadas por mi con mi celular Redmi 9T y me pertenecen / All photos were taken and edited by me with my Redmi 9T cellphone and they belong to me

Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.

Hasta la próxima.


Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.

Until next post.



That´s a beautiful park, thanks for showing us around :) It will be my pleasure to share this amazing natural place with my followers in the next round of my upvote giveaway.

Btw why are you wearing the gloves? Is it so cold in your place these days? :O

@tipu curate

Yes, it's a really beautiful park although needs some atention ☹️ there's almost no grass (because people walk over it 😠), the plants that the mayor's office has put up are neglected and some of the machines for exercises are damaged and haven't been repared 😒 but the nature of this park is amazing and many animals live there such birds, insects, squirrels, etc.
Cold? 🤭😂 Noooo, I just like to use these gloves, I don't use the bus so I go everywhere in my city walking and the gloves are a good way to protect my hands from the sun 😎 🤭😉
Glad you liked my post and thanks for share it in your upvote giveway 🙏
Have a excellent weekend 💃🏻🕺🚀🍀

Thanks for all the info :) I have never heard of using gloves as a protection from the sun but it makes sense I guess :D My skin is actually still peeling on my hands and legs as it got sunburnt in Africa, although it was 2 weeks ago already :D So yeah, you better protect yourself :D

Hahaha, well, now you know it 😁 I began using these gloves when the COVID pandemic started although I later realized that they didn't protect me from contract COVID hahaha 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ but I liked how they looked on me so now I love to walk with them 😎🤭
We live in a tropical country, the sun is hard and many motorcyclists use them to protect their hands from sunburn
Good luck with your sunburn recovery, yogurt heals the burned skin and you can also make a cream with cornstarch and water or yogurt, apply it on your skin and let it all day, you'll love it! It's so refreshing and it makes you feel better 👍

Thanks for the advice but the skin is not burnt anymore, it just keeps peeling off :D


Me encantan los paseos en la naturaleza, nos ayuda mucho a recoger energías positivas y recargar el alma . Me encantó el recorrido y fotografías

Saludos 😺🤘🤗Hola! Muchas gracias, un placer que te haya gustado mi publicación.
Así es, la naturaleza es el mejor cargador para nuestras pilas 🚀💪🏻 y la mejor manera de resetear nuestra mente 🧠🧘
Saludos 😺🤘🤗

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 last year  Reveal Comment

💃🏻🚀🍀😺🙏 thank you 😺🤘🤗