Bonfire Night

I don't know if it's only an Estonian thing or happens elsewhere as well, but every last Saturday of August this event happens. People go to the beach and light up the bonfires. On some beaches, there are so many fires that it's quite amazing to look at.

With friends, we went to the Klooga beach and lighted up our own fire as well.


I took some long exposure photos in the darkness and got some pretty cool results.

There are no fires in the next photo, its many wind turbines over the coast.


I made all the photos black and white because I think they look much better that way.

Here, you can see many bonfires on the beach of another side.



Some other group, next to us.




I think it is an Estonian thing. I used to live in San Diego and we didn't go to the beach on the last day of August in particular. Now I live in land locked Arizona and so no bonfires on the beach here.

You are probably right. I don't even know how this event is called in English. A direct translation would be ancient lights night.

Edit: Okay I did a quick research and found this, looks like its a Baltics region thing.

Come to the shore of the Baltic Sea which unites all of us. It is a link between our neighbours, fellow-countrymen and people from all around the Sea.
Now is the time to think about the significance of the Sea. The Sea must be well-kept and protected in order for own sake and for the sake of our descendants.

That is cool. I like that is a call for all the people around the Baltic Sea.