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RE: Water and Raindrops

Water is a huge blessing's and need of humans but sadly we don't care or think about how's things can turn out in future.

This year I saw wells getting dried in between nature - sound's quite horrible but it's true

I heard about tap water shortage and situations in some developed countries. These things always made me worry to take it seriously and do something for it or use it carefully (Avoid wasting unnecessary

We also never had a water shortage ever since here but Wells getting dried was something unexpected this year but still Glad rainy season is here.

Tho while I'm typing it is raining outside and seeing your awesome rain drop shot's seems like I should give it a try too

Haha let's see if I can capture good one's like you!

Happy day and have fun!


We don't have a rainy season. It should rain more during spring and autumn, but nothing is guaranteed. Another water source is the snow, but lately that has become scarcity as well. With these warm winters, there's no snow.

Oh, Sadly also Climate is changing but luckily we have all 4 seasons inc Snowfall and rainy season.

Have a Great Day Erikah.