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RE: The last dark walk.

Your smile says it all: you have enjoyed this trip a lot 😀 and you have deserved it, my friend, you both have deserved the time at this beautiful place.
I am looking forward to the following posts about the river walk and the caves.

Wouldn't like to meet such a scorpion though. This one is certainly a monster compared to the 1 to 2 centimeter long scorpions we have here 🫣



Thank you for the kind words Hannes and we really did enjoy the break.
That river walk was a bit of torture for me, due to all soft sand and the rocks in parts. It stretches for about 12 miles and I could only go for about 500 meters.
But thankfully the beauty of the stark rocks in the mountain sides kept us entranced.

Here above the river flows past the bottom of the mountain. You will have to wait until I do the river walk post in the week to see the caves.

Blessings and thanks.

You're very welcome, my friend, and 500 meters are better than laying on the couch 😊 !LOLZ

Wow, these rocks look amazing - I don't think I have seen similar here.

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Hi Hannes,

We just got back from taking some shots of the full moon on a mountain peak. I don't have time. as another power cut is pending but will do all replies tomorrow.
In the meantime, you might like the Dassie post of today.

500 meters and today I am all full of pains 😜 !LOLZ

Those rocks they say are millions of years old.

Cheers and thanks.

Hi Zac,

I haven't turned the computer on at home in the past days, there was no time at work, and today I'm only on my phone.

I have seen the full moon shots - they look great 👍 I have also tried to take a moon photo on Sunday, but it was too cloudy.

There's a gorge just an hour away where you also can see awesome rock formations and boulders...

Hope you're having a good week, my friend, and that the pains from your 500 meter run is already gone 😉 !LOLZ

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Hi Hannes,

Your work interferes with your time on hive, and the power cuts over here also interferes with my time on hive. Nothing that we can do about it 😉

Thank you for liking the full moon shots, and that's the only time that I don't like the clouds, when they block the moon 🥴

O yeah, I have seen your lovely pictures of the rock formations and the water before. Always so great to look at them. 🙂

Recovered already from the pains of the long walk, but now I have cricked my neck, by trying to get in and out of the car. The Polo is a very low car and I think that it was designed to be driven by midgets 🤣 !LOLZ

At the moment I have a few minutes and so I'm replying now, because I am sure in the evening I will not turn the coputer on again, and I hate typing on the phone 😜 !LOLZ

Your most welcome ... I like the clouds when they are around the moon, but not fully covering it.

Thanks, my friend, if everything works as planned then I'll visit this gorge on Saturday after my nightshift.

The Polo is certainly not meant for people as tall as you are, my friend. You'll have to develop a special technique to get in and out of this little car without pain.

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Seems like we are both spragged for time my friend 😉 !LOLZ

I know that you and I like the clouds, but in my case lately, the clouds are spiteful as they cover the moon completely.

So, now in December, you two nightshifts and then it is done for the year?
A good idea to go and visit that gorge again.

You cannot imagine how painful a strained neck is Hannes. Been to the doctor and he reckons that my actions to get into the car, could be the problem. So now we are looking around for another car.
I now slide backwards onto the driver seat, and it is a little bit better, as I still have to bend my head and then the neck screams 🥴

Cheers and thanks.

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