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RE: 📷 Satpara Lake

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

This post took me back to my secondary days when I taught about oceans and its environment.
Thank you very much for educating and enlightening more.

Please is there any analysis or comparison between the its water level as at 2000 and now (2022).
Why I'm asking this is because where the lake get its source from, melting glacier. This could be as the result of greenhouse effect and we know that the ozone layer is depleting time after time.
So, the melting effect is it increasing, decreasing or constant?


Not sure if I'm educating, but thanks for stopping by anyway :)
Since I do not live there, I do not have the ability to monitor the water level in the lake.

Alright 👍
You actually did. Your post got me informed, indirectly I'm educated.
You're welcome anyways.
Have a blessed day.