In the golden pond


I am fascinated by those autumn evenings in which the sun, undoubtedly more ceremonious than in its summer manifestations, gives places a special light, ideal for contemplation and also for long and fruitful solo walks.


I suppose that this young duck must have felt something similar, that, leaving the company of the strident flock, he ventured to splash alone through the golden waters of the pond, who knows if sensing, also, that old Latin sentence that he advised, without false modesty , live the moment as if it were the last.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.






This duck glows differently 😅, beautiful images

Thanks, friend

The best time of the year is spring and autumun evenings for me; no hot, no cold. I think the duck knows his taste, when to swim :)

I do not know, I think that all seasons have their meaning and beauty, but there is nothing written about tastes.

Okay this is the duck of Midas king 😁

Ha ha ha .... possibly yes.

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