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RE: July 2021 Buck Moon and camera

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

Thanks, it was one of those satisfying moments when I knew I had it. btw, a remote is nice for convenience, but most cameras also have a self-timer that can be used to allow the camera to settle before the shutter goes off.

Still packing, been nice I suppose to do a little at a time. Feels good to purge a LOT of the "stuff" we accumulated and let go of some things, but getting tired of having everything boxed up or in plastic storage crates and walking around them. Really looking forward to getting the move and drive over with. Looking forward to the fun part of exploring and making the new place ours. T-minus two weeks now, everything still on track, just waiting for appraisals to come back on both sides for final loan approvals, and then closings.


Yes, the last few are the hardest, but, soon this will be behind you. I know you are going to love it, once you get over the fact that you left the beauty of Colorado! :)) It is going to be amazing and I envy you the thrill of the exploration. Life is good.

Good luck, moving forward! (and thanks for the info on the remote!)