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RE: Back To School, To A Different Century

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

I looove taking a walk back in time, what a fascinating museum!
Believe it or not, when I started working as a draftswoman in the early 1970s, we used ink pens, but it had a cartridge at least that could to be refilled. I did drop one of those bottles of ink once, and was mortified!

...if you broke it, your parents most likely made you remember to take better care of your things, using a stick. Those were different times.

Very different days for sure!
How times have changed as technology improved, I'd love to visit this museum!
Thank you for giving us a glimpse into the past @erikah !


I think I had one of those pens, when I started school, maybe a different model, but with the same fill system.

I wish you all could visit this museum, but as it's impossible, at least you have my post to read :)

Thank you for the nice comment dear Lizelle and have a nice weekend 🤗

I really enjoyed this museum. I'm not sure if you ever saw those old calculators that almost was the size of an old typewriter. The land surveyors I worked for, used them back in the 70s. They had to wind them up. I must try to find a photo of one.
Enjoy your weekend Erika❤️

Most likely I have seen those, but let me show you some interesting pieces. I came across these photos while cleaning my folders.



Have you ever seen these? 😁

And there's more.


I took this photo in a museum and posted it here. Have you seen such calculators? 😂

Ooops, where are my manners? Have an nice weekend dear Lizelle 🤗

Oh dear. @erikah, I'm really now a vintage old gal! Haha, I've seen all of those, and the last one is similar to what was used in the land surveying firm where I worked😂

We've had a scorcher of a day here, and had load shedding earlier, but I've got the aircon flying now that the electricity is back on!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend Erikah...think I said that already😉 nevertheless, enjoy!