Two months of winter

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)

This winter I took pictures mostly from the car window and only three times on walks to the store and in parks. My tropical cameras can't stand the cold and turn off quickly. Hands also freeze almost immediately. It was a difficult winter.

The first three photos show the first December snow, which I had to photograph at night, because it started when I was returning from the store.




The trip to the city beach was also documented by a series of photographs. Some of them, with a dog and ducks, I have already published.




And also, in a fifteen-degree frost, we went to the landscape park to take pictures of squirrels, but squirrels hid in their nests in such cold and we managed to see only half-frozen pigeons and children riding down the slides, and then the camera turned off.






In January, there was already so much snow in the city, then they stopped coping with its cleaning and removal and whole mountains appeared in many places. A few pictures from the streets of the city that were taken by me while passing from the window of the car.





We went out of town, to the countryside, only once this winter, and already in February. The weather is now more spring than winter and there are puddles, slush and snow yellowed from sand on the roads. It's not very nice, but it's not long to endure all this. I hope.




And today, new snow has fallen. He walked all day and whitewashed the ugly yellow road and we drove along it a little, but we realized that it was better to wait until it was cleaned. Therefore, we will have to postpone returning to the city and live on the beauty in the village.




Camera: Nikon COOLPIX 1.22

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I publish only my photos and say only my words :)


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Immersion in the history of winter and snow ))
Or the chronicles of an unfinished winter...
Very well done, great :)

Oh, thank you! :)

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