
Red red rain is also where it's at...

Hello boomy!!! Same as same as always, I trust you're well.

I am just fucking magic!!

I hope you are too :0)

Now, what kind of magic are you? A magical unicorn?

I hope you are too :0)

All secrets sewed up in that regard, can't be giving those away to anyone. 🤪

Quite right on the secrets front. Lock the box and hide the key!

You would be amazed at the number of magical unicorns in my house. My littlest absolutely loves the damn things!

I find it's best to walk quietly in the jungle. One secret...if you can get it down, is the ability to communicate with zero words (this is in person and not arty related at all) and have the message received loud and clear, it sure saves a lot of energy.

OMG, you're unicorn inundated and overly initiated! How many? I need to know.

I like to think I can communicate quite well with a stare!

I cant even count, he has them everywhere. On clothes, festooned on his bed, small ones giant ones, multi coloured sparkle ones. Its insane!

Put your eyeballs where your words are, I'll be observing 😉 and if I drop dead, there's already a bead on you from other Canadian locations, so all is good.

O M G, that's way too many unicorns, totally insane and I'm surprised you haven't turned into one.