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RE: Reflecting a bit on the passing years... and some photos from last spring

The day and the minute become our battlefield and finally the moment. At that moment we know we have lived. The closer we come to realizing eternity the faster this world seems to spin around us. A child plays and time seems last forever. A teenager makes a schedule and plans what he or she will do during the day but in disappointment finds very little tangible accomplishments. A young man or woman will plow on like a bull to accomplish stuff while killing off good health and good relationships. Eventually a body slows down ailed from the aimless pursuits in vain effort to escape the face of eternity.

The Koreans count the age from the time a baby is conceived so the moment a baby is born he or she is one year old. Then every New year everyone regardless of their birthday becomes one year older. So those born on December 31st are one year old at the time of their birth and two years old the following day. That's a lot to handle for an infant who still hasn't figured out how to suckle.