Flower Photography 🌻

in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)

Hello Friends...!

A Blessed Day to all! Hoping everyone's doing great, @mubdi here for my Flower photography entry.Hope you'll appreciate it.


Red Selvia


Nayantar Flower



  • Flowers are the most beautiful creation of the Creator, which makes the earth more beautiful.

  • Flowers that represent any
    positive meaning in life.

  • Each flower is a soul blossoming in nature

Thank you for sharing your time and for viewing my entry. Keep Warm, Safe and Healthy Everyone!
Love & Care 💗 @mubdi!


Hello @mubdi
The monomad tag is exclusively for black and white photography.
Can you please do us a favor and remove it from this post?

Done @brumest

Thank you.


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