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RE: the road to self-forgiveness is not paved

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

That's all very good. But what I don't see well is that you torture yourself for something that already happened. You are no longer that girl from yesterday. By being so critical of ourselves we are in some way accepting those dark parts of our existence as still present. They are not there, they are simply not there anymore since you recognized them and decided to take care of yourself first. Do not live in the past.

Sorry for giving you my opinion without you asking me.


Sorry for giving you my opinion without you asking me.

Suuuuuuuure you're sorry 😆

Thanks. 🖤 I don't really beat myself up over it, but the feelings around acknowledging how I once was can't be ignored. It's not so much living in the past as it is acknowledging what I still need to work on in the present. And a big part of that is facing the feelings around what I don't like remembering so I can work through them and let them go. Publishing them for others to read also takes away some of their power.


Let's get out of this state of looking at the ceiling all freaked out and let's live life. Talk to people, have some human contact. As alt3r says, it will be what it will be, let it flow. Or so I understood.

I'm not freaked out!!!! Don't worry. And I do talk to lots of people and have tons of human contact. I'm in the women's hockey league. It's like a sea of friends.

I just don't have any desire for romance. All that energy is going into creativity and it makes me very happy.

That's very good 😉👏🏻. I support that 💯.