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RE: What it Looks Like Here is

I stared at Art often, he didn't like it much.
How the devil are you, young man?

The clock on the microwave says 'wtf are you doing up at this time?'

I hope the hand is slowly improving.

Love the B+W of the metal thing.

Did someone nick the handles from your cabinet doors?

In Thailand we have three seasons. Hot, fucking hot and wet and hot.

Come back soon after a wonderful weekend and best wishes to three of you little scallywags :-)


You're good at comments. What the heck is up? You've been pretty quiet lately, glad you're alright. When my virtual stranger buddies go quiet, not gonna lie, I can't stop hoping the best for them.

I'm doing good man, thanks for asking. The hand is such a so slow process. I was just showing Pura today I can alllmooost pick up my phone with my two bad fingers. I can't yet, real weak still. I can make it move though! Considering I couldn't make an "ok" sign a couple months ago, I'll take it. Appreciate your concern.

How are you? What's up with you guys? You must be busy. Either that or not bored.

That B+W thing is what we call a stack. It's an exhaust pipe, essentially, at an electrical generation plant in Wilmington, California. That's one of 3 stacks on site. That exhaust is the very last step of the energy generation process.

Dude those cabinets operate on voice command. = }

Thanks for asking and more for noticing!
Just the clinic keeping us busy 7 days a week. 16 amazing and joyous kids, 19 mixed nationalities and a stray scaredy cat that despite being endlessly bullied by the chickens has decided I'm his daddy. So much for a quiet life on a paradise island!

More industrial photography please and keep working hard on the hand physio.

We have a baby and a toddler both born with different problem brain and nerve issues meaning they have serious motor issues who are responding slowly, but well to therapy. Things will improve with time and effort mate.

Love and best wishes to the three of you :-)