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RE: What it Looks Like Here is

I think I want the lifestyle of Atlas. She's got it made. Luckiest dog in the world.

Good moUrning!

What's good about it? What's bad about it? Complete cell shot vintage picture it.

No one selects music like you do. I can't tell you how fabulously funny hit the mark appropriate this is. 😂

Verbal spew image in your day 1 totally looks like you, like totally, like you know, eh. I see you had a thing for fractions then also, plus same you coming through in that, true to your style. That's so funny seeing that.

All seriousness, you're welcome. I've met a small handful of decent ones on this platform. You're one of them, not that bad. Thanks for slapping me in the face with one of your outrageous comments as an introduction, causing me to think; "Who the duck does this dude think he is, talking to me like that?" I had to find out or miss out. I have never been disappointed nor bored, not once.

ps, if I had to pound out a post like that every day, hating that job, I'd hate myself and have to end that practice immediately.


Thanks for listening.

It's all about the recipient. I can make sure they say it right but how many people actually listen, know what I mean? Clicking a YouTube link takes time, no one has time to listen to a whole song. They'll go, I've heard that one..

Yeah, but did you listen?

how many people actually listen, know what I mean?

I do. This song I gave two listens. You're on point with music links more than a ballerina in a pink tutu.

Yeah, but did you listen?

No one listens, not since shortly after 2008.