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RE: Water and Raindrops

It's great to know that you guys experienced rain today. For a developed country, even without rain, their sources of water for daily use are always easily accessible though the rain sometimes helps in calming down the environment naturally and even flowers and other natural endowment will begin to flourish. However, in underdeveloped areas, those in that areas might feel the scarcity of rain and therefore will stretch themselves a bit while trying to source water.

The shoots you took look great, one would think you used a professional camera 📷 when you only used your mobile phone.👍


Thank you and sorry for the late reply, life got crazy here lately.

Developed countries may use a few times more water and therefore the water reserves may not be enough. However, this drought may end soon as we're hoping to get some rain as autumn starts. Another source of water is snow, for agriculture of course and not only as melting snow ends up in the rivers, so finders crossed.