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RE: The last dark walk.

Thank you and we really had a very good time over there. Scorpions are not the be troubled with, as they can put one into hospital, so I treated it with the respect that it deserves.
You are right that a pawn can win a game and great news that you had a clothing brand that advertised the fact.

You are welcome to be a friend, but just a note to be careful, as it is frowned upon to ask people to follow you.

Blessings and !PIZZA



Yes, I didn't know that fact. I'm just interested in making new friends, new true connections. Not just gain followers. So I try to create friendships with people who have similar tastes, skills, hobbies and daily lives to mine. Don't worry, I'll pay attention to this tip, it won't be a problem. I'm following your profile now! I hope you have a great weekend and look out for the scorpions, maximum respect!


Maximum respect also for you and what you are trying to do. Just be yourself and carry on, as I am sure that you will gather many like-minded and true followers !LOLZ

Exactly my friend, I reflected on it, you are absolutely right. My initial idea is to expand more and more about Hive in Brazil. I'll share my progress and you'll see it soon.

A great idea and as you engage more with people here on hive, you will be sure to see some progress. So you can launch a two-pronged plan. Engagement on hive and expansion of hive in Brazil !LOLZ

Thank you for being an !LOLZ supporter.

You must be killin' it out here!
@lolz.pimp just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @papilloncharity.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Thank you for being an !LOLZ supporter.