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RE: A peaceful pleasure to be out here.

Good evening Hannes,

It was so easy to guess where you were and what you were doing 🤣 !LOLZ

No need to worry and just take things as they come. You and I have had failed trips in the past, but then we have also had great trips. So you just go out there and enjoy yourself until you have had enough, and then you will return with a glad heart, we hope 🙏

Just more evidence that that schooling system is not for everyone. They put all people in one box when they design the curriculums and it's a big mistake, as everyone is different. Instead of focusing on the children's talents and developing them according to their talents, they rather teach everyone the same dumb things. I also hated school and left early, but so did many multi-millionaires and although I have a degree now, I studied to develop my own talents and it has nothing to do with school.
Thank you for the link and we are mightily impressed with your son. We can see why you guys are happy parents now.

No weekend as raining cats and Austrian cows over here until Monday. Then the rain starts again on Tuesday. So you just go out there and have fun!

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

here it's raining South African Babboons and Elephants 😂 !LOLZ

I'm back, but already gone again. At the moment I am in Slovenia waiting for the rain to ease down ☔

It was a long, very long trip up north, but I have seen beautiful landscapes which I want to visit sometime in future to take photos. I should have stayed up there longer because the weather is still nice in the north 🌞

Thanks for your nice words, we are really proud of our son 😀

Hope you two guys have a great week 🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

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