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RE: Free-hand moon shots and landscapes.

I remember our first visit to such a place and man, I took a bit of everything, as my eyes were bigger than my stomach. My plate was heaped with food and I ate it all. Not even place in my stomach for deserts. That night I couldn't sleep and I felt terrible the next day. That was our first and last visit to such a place, as now we avoid them totally :) !LOLZ
Emojis gone again.

Yes, one has to have the correct lenses and shutter speeds. So I presume your son has not shown you his photos yet?

Ah, okay you have told me about it and I really hope that you will enjoy that outing to upper Austria.

You have taken some beautiful pictures there my friend and my favorite is the Lighthouse, as you got the sun in an ideal position :)

Can you believe that it is Spring here, but we are wet and at 11C. So at least you had a nice rest.

Cheers and thanks.


Hihi, I can clearly see your plate 😉 !LOLZ I take a bit of the first kind of food, then, when I have eaten it, a bit of the second food, and so on until my stomach is full. That way I never have much on my plate and still have some space in my stomach for a piece of desert 😉

Right, my son hasn't found the time yet to edit his photos. He has made some landscapes photos like mine, but he likes more street photography and cars.

Thanks that you like the images - I knew you'd like the light house most 😀

This image is from that super high mountain 😉 the flags to the right show windy it was.

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Hahaha, oh yes, I think that I had too many eyes, as it was loaded with all sorts :)
You are obviously doing it the right way and I will remember this.

Please remember to show me some of his photos when he shares it with you. That might be only next year if I know boys :)

I think that the lighthouse would also be your favorite :)

Yep, same wind as ours. What is that building on the hill? An old fort looks like. If it was, then who would build a fort on a 349m hill? Great photo btw.

Cheers and thanks.

There are many who put everything on their plate, eat a few bites and get the next plate. That's not good and waste of food.

If he shares his photos with me one day, I will show them to you, of course.

Thanks, it is an old church from WW1, but I think it was also used for soldiers.
They still use it as a church from time to time, I believe.

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

That is so stupid Hannes. Selfish and disgusting.

You know that I have much patience and I don't mind waiting for a year or two :) !LOLZ

I could see that it is a historic building, but I looks a bit run down. I suppose the congregation sings very softly during sermons and the priest whispers in fear that some bricks will land on their heads :)

Cheers and thanks.

Disgusting is the right word, I believe 🤔 !LOLZ

If it were cars or motorbikes, he would edit them immediately, but landscapes... we've had fun though.

Only ruins are left and there's no roof anymore, but from time to time people and a priest come up there, I believe.

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Well look at it this way, at least the street people get something good to eat . I don't understand ecency as now the emojis are gone again. But I have lodged a query.

And if it were girls his dad would start to edit the photos even on his way home :) !LOLZ
As long as you guys had fun, then all is good.

It must be magical to attend a service in a church with no roof, especially on a mountain.

Cheers and thanks.

Street people? Sadly, here the restaurants have to throw the leftover food away, and at holiday destinations there are no people living on the streets anyway.

I need to convince my son that shooting landscapes is much more interesting than the sports cars he likes to photograph.

It's only one small room, and I'm afraid that if you go inside this ruin a brick stone might fall down on you 🫣

My emojis are still working fine 😁 !LOLZ

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

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We have cold nights and mornings, but up to 30 C during the day.

Cheers and !BEER

That sounds like very good weather to me Hannes :)
You guys should be entering Autumn very soon.

Cheers and thanks.

Some trees are already changing colour - I hope for a nice and colourful Autumn and for a lovely Spring in South Africa 😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Autumn is the best season for taking lovely colorful photos. :)
They say that when our spring is this cold, then we will have a very hot summer. Last summer was hot and if this summer is hotter, then we are going to fry.

Cheers and thanks.

I am so looking forward to the Autumn colours 😀 !LOLZ

We also have such sayings ... sometimes they come true and sometimes not. Let's hope your prediction for this summer is wrong 😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Yeah, I rember the great shots that you posted of the Autunm colors over the years. Reflection time again methinks :) !LOLZ

You are so right, but the locals know all of the weather patterns here due to living near the ocean. So we talk to them, and I also hope that the expectations are wrong. Time will tell as usual.

Cheers and thanks.

The Autumn has arrived already ... my first autumnal tree from 2023 ... with reflection 😀 taken during my stroll around these two lakes:

Time will tell and I do know a lot of locals here who often are wrong with their weather predictions 😆 !LOLZ

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

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