PACAR AIR flower in front of my house

Hello hiver friends. how are you all? I hope all of you are always in good condition, healthy, abundant, and full of love. Amen.

Without realizing it was Wednesday again. Today I'm at home, because my work schedule today is the night shift. Yes, I only accompany the children at home. My wife was going to Depok to take her mother.

Earlier in front of our house I saw many PACAR AIR plants. I don't know what this plant is called in other countries, but in Indonesia this plant is known as PACAR AIR.








In my village, namely in the city of Bogor, this PACAR AIR plant flower is usually used by girls to paint their nails, to make it look beautiful. As for the other uses of this PACAR AIR plant, I don't know yet, except for the flowers of this PACAR AIR plant to be taken to the grave to be sown on the grave, during a grave pilgrimage.

That's all I can share for today. Thank you for visiting my blog. See you tomorrow.

ModelInfinix S3
Original Picture@parung76
ThemeFlower Of PACAR AIR

Thank You

Best Regard,



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