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RE: California Lightning Sunsets #247

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

What?! You really managed to capture a lighting!? Never ever in my life so far, despite many attempts :D These photos are just so cool! The colors, the patterns, the shapes... Must be one of your very best photo posts here on Hive. Congrats, this is awesome.


I must have taken a hundred photos while my arm was getting tired. There would be 2 or 3 consecutive strikes and I would click when the 1st strikes and hope to capture the 2nd strike. It was so surreal watchign this over the ocean. Thank man!

I can imagine the effort but obviously, it was all well worth it :) Such a lightning festival over the ocean, this is something you don´t get to see every day. Maybe a few times in a lifetime actually :) Incredible phenomenon.

It is an incredible phenomenon.... Lightning is 5x hotter than the sun's surface... that's unfathomable!

Wow, I didn´t even know that... So how is that possible that some people survived a lightning strike? I guess this science is beyond my comprehension :D