Home jungle

I wanted to show you another garden update today, but truth to be told I haven't been outside for almost one week. I don't want to go into much detail, and I guess it will be enough to say that I had an unsuccessful dental surgery on Monday, followed by swelling until yesterday and me being on painkillers for 5 days in a row now. Apparently, I resembled Homer Simpson as my husband enjoyed pointing out and making me laugh while the stitches were breaking and my gums bleeding. The swelling is almost gone, but I still need to take painkillers as the pain is not yet manageable. I have no idea how this story will continue as even my dentist couldn't say that, but I try to remain positive.

I was thinking about what I should share here if not my garden, and then I realized that I've had my own little jungle at home since many years and that this is a good opportunity to show you around.

Let's start!


I've been growing Tradescantias for a few years now. They are probably the easiest plant ever to grow as even if it's not doing good you only need to take some branches, stick them in the soil and the plant will quickly start growing again. This is also the way I manage its growth as it's expanding exponentially, so I keep replanting the tops and maintaining its shape. It's a grateful plant to as every now and then I get these cute little flowers. They don't last long, but the plant keeps pushing new ones again and again.

I have several varieties, but this one is my oldest and also the favourite one.


When I bought my Jade Plant about two years ago it was less than 5 cm tall. I love this plant because it's one of the most forgiving plants that I have. Even when I forget to water it for a long time it always perks up and keep growing. You can see that it's thirsty when the leaves become soft and start shrivelling. I let it soft for a few hours in water and it always comes back stronger.


This Pothos is one of my oldest plants and I have it for almost 5 years. It's such an interesting plant to grow as each leaf is different. It almost died two years ago when I was overloaded at work, but since I started to take care of it properly again it became lush and bushy.


These 4 photos are all coming from the same plant...





I haven't figured out yet how to properly take care of my zebra plant, but it seems to be happy as it keeps pushing flowers.


Its flowers are by no means beautiful, but they are still somehow cool. They grow on a long stalk which I usually remove after a few days as it doesn't stop growing.


Satin Pothos loves when you ignore it. Just put it in the place with enough light, but no direct sun, water it once in two weeks and it will keep getting bigger and bigger. I have no idea how I will ever entangle those wines though. This plant gets the most compliments from our friends visiting us.


This Aglaonema is about 10 years old. It got attacked by spider mites a few years ago and was almost destroyed, so I took the last surviving pieces, put them in the new soil and it perked up. I couldn't be more proud!


My Polyscias Roble is fighting scales all the time. I am convinced that they were there when I bought the plant. I can't get rid of them, but I manually remove them now and then, and it seems to be working as there is not much visible damage. I use no chemicals at home and soapy water really doesn't do that much magic.


Monstera Monkey Mask was my first monstera. It's a wine plant with hand sized leaves and fast growth. It's a perfect plant for beginners.


Monstera Deliciosa is quite temperamental. To ensure its health and steady growth you need to find just the right place with enough light and good humidity. Based on the season I get beautiful big leaves or small baby leaves.


Do you want a plant that you can water once in a month or even less? Then get a Sansevieria. There are many varieties from tiny to large, green to yellow or strapped and all of them are beautiful and so easy to take care of.


I have always wanted to own a black Zamioculcas, so I couldn't leave it in the shop when I finally found it. Where I live we have plenty of green ones, but the black ones are still rather unique.



The most resistant plant that I owe must be my Coffee Plant. This plant has never had any disease and have always been green and lush. It didn't flower yet, but it would be unusual here anyway, so I just enjoyed its leaves.




My Peace Lilly is the very first plant that I bought when I moved to Switzerland. It is 12 years old and keeps growing. It became a huge plant that takes over so much space in our living room, but it has a sentimental value, so I let it enjoy our space. It keeps flowering from February to November each year. At times I have as many as 20 flowers on it.


Polyscias Fabian has an eye catching body and dark glossy leaves. This is a plant that I would recommend in smaller spaces as it grows in an upright position.


And last but not least.. This is the plant that caused me too many headaches. It used to be large and healthy until it somehow got thrips. They destroyed the entire plant even though I tried to minimize the damage. In the end I cut down all leaves and let them regrow. This is the second time that it happened and it finally started to come up healthy again. It's my only Calathea and let me tell you that I'm not getting any more of them.


Plants are my passion and I dedicate a good part of each day to take care of them (sometimes at the expense of sleep or my husband 🙂)

See you next time...


Moc pěknou džungli máš doma :) Btw víš, že monstera má vynikající jedlé květy? Já to zjistil až nedávno na Madeiře, kde jsme je ochutnali :) Fakt delikatesa!

Snad už se cítíš líp, moc dobře vím, jaké je to být na práškách kvůli nesnesitelné bolesti zubů. Taky jsem si užil svoje, většinou v zahraničí, kde jsou zubaři extrémní drazí :/

Teď ještě jeden malý off topic: vím, že jste zvažovali letošní HivFest v Mexiku, ale nakonec jste se rozhodli nejet. Tak co aspoň tahle malá alternativa v Krakowě? https://hive.blog/hive-127975/@gtg/hivebeecon-save-the-date-7-october-2023 Já tam sice psal, že nepojedem, ale pak jsme to doma znovu probrali a moje drahá polovička řekla, že můžu jet sám, že to doma zvládne. Tak o tom teď docela uvažuju :) Jeli byste?

@tipu curate 5

Viem, viem, len vypestovať ich doma je takmer nemožné, keďže tu nemáme vhodné podmienky. Ale videla som ich v Stredomorí, no nikdy som ich neochutnala.

Ja mám zubára už roky v Nemecku, keďže bývame pri hraniciach. Je to stále strašne drahé, no vždy je to polovica ceny, čo by som platila vo Švajčiarsku. Zajtra mám ísť vyberať stehy, no nemám pocit, žeby to bolo vyliečené, tak uvidím. Najhoršie na tom je, že zubár nevie ako to vyriešime, takže musíme počkať kým sa to vylieči. A to som sa tešila, že budem mať konečne pokoj po 6 mesiacoch...

Tiež to zvažujem, ale nie som si istá, keďže tam nie je žiadny program a v podstate to bude len stretávka niekde v reštike (predpokladám). Ako dlho by si tam ostal? Len na víkend? Práve som sa pozrela na dátum a je to o 3 týždne, tak by som sa s tým rozhodnutím mala poponáhľať 😂

Jaj, to mě fakt mrzí, že máš se zubama takové problémy :( Ty ceny za zubařské zákroky ve Švýcarsku si ani nechci představit, to by u nás bylo tak na hypotéku :D Já už za zuby taky utratil dost peněz a to chodím ke svému kamarádovi z gymplu, který mi ještě spoustu věcí neúčtuje :/ To mi připomnělo, že jsem u něj zas už tak 4 roky nebyl, jaj, to zas bude potom...

Taky moc nevím, jaký bude program. Pochopil jsem, že sraz proběhne v @krolestwo, to je takový klub, kde se scházejí krakowští Hivers. Jejich komunita je fakt velká a aktivní, ale stejně nevím, jestli by se tam k nim vešly třeba desítky dalších lidí. Já bych určitě dýl než na víkend zůstat nemohl. Asi bych vyrazil v sobotu ráno vlakem z Prahy, jednu noc tam přespal a v neděli se zase vracel. A nebo bych se třeba přidal k vám, kdybyste jeli autem. Ale taky ještě nejsem rozhodnutý :) Potřeboval bych vědět, jaký bude program a kdo všechno tam bude :)

No ja v ústach nosím auto strednej triedy 😂 ale keď to takto pôjde ďalej, tak to bude čoskoro Maserati 😂 ja chodím na hygienu dva krát ročne, aby to bolo ako tak bez problémov. Moji rodičia mali obaja zlé zuby, tak to je len ďalšia negatívna črta čo som po nich zdedila 😅

Stefanovi sa najprv nechcelo ísť, ale nakoniec som ho presvedčila, no odmietol ísť autom, keďže teraz jazdíme tisíce kilometrov a má toho dosť, takže tentokrát poletíme. Prídeme v piatok ráno a odídeme v pondelok ráno. Takže už máš dôvod ísť, keďže tam budeme my 😉😁

Auto střední třídy? Wow, tak takhle špatně na tom nejsem, já tam zatím utopil asi jen pár desítek tisíc :D Ale vypadá to, že od doby co pravidelně používám mezizubní kartáčky, je to výrazně lepší. Minimálně teda ty poslední 4 roky, co jsem u zubaře nebyl, mě nic nebolelo :D Taky nemám v puse z hlediska genetiky žádnou hitparádu, ale na rozdíl od svého otce, který si zuby nikdy pořádně nečistil, jsem já naopak tak trochu čistící maniak a drhnu je ráno i večer vždy aspoň deset minut, docela mě to i baví :D

Takže vy jedete? Super! Tak to mám určitě o důvod víc tam taky dorazit :) Zítra o tom plánuju napsat takový menší post, kde zkusím zjistit, kdo všechno z mých známých tam bude ;) Ale je fajn, že zůstanete na celý víkend, Krakow je fakt nádherný a můžu vám dát spoustu tipů na hodně zajímavá místa ;)

Počkejte, počkejte. Program se brzy objeví ;)

Tak se budeme těšit :)

Wow you have such a great variety of plants. One thing that I learned recently is that Pathos can change colors as they mature. Mine started all green and like yours have a lot more color now. I am loving my monstera and just this morning I noticed I have a new shoot coming. YAY!

I have around 40 plants at home 🙂 I guess that was my compensation before we got the garden, but now it's really a lot all together. I would never get rid of any of them but I can see the impact of spending less time taking care of them.

I noticed the same and I think it's not only maturity but also the light. If you had it in more shaded position it will shoot light leaves.

Congratulations! I know that feeling 🙂

Hi! Your Zebra plant is called Tulista pumila or Pearl plant. Here's an article on their care https://worldofsucculents.com/tulista-pumila-pearl-plant/

Thanks a lot! That's helpful 🙂 I didn't know there was a community focusing on succulents, so now I can learn more about the few ones that I have.