Macro Photography of Mr. Pucung (Dysdercus cingulatus).

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)


Hi all photography lovers, how are you, I hope you are in good health and can carry out activities as usual.

all friends in this community, especially photography lovers, on this occasion I want to share some pictures for all of you, the pictures I mean are included in the macro category.

This picture is the kind of insect I got when I went hunting for insect pictures.
I found this species in short grass on my private cocoa plantation.

And I managed to get a picture of this insect using a cellphone camera and also using a macro lens, this type of insect is quite interesting and we also often encounter among humans.

This type of insect in Indonesia is known as the father of pucung, but in general this type of insect is called: Dysdercus cingulatus.

If you want to know more about this insect species, you can visit the wikipedia. link I have included.

You can see some pictures of the insects I'm referring to below with some of the styles I've uploaded. Friends, maybe this is my only contribution material on this occasion, I hope you like it, sorry for all the shortcomings. Thank you I say to those of you who have been present in my post.







CameraSmarphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography.
LocationCot tufah.

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Cool pictures! Here in Texas we have similar looking insects called box elder bugs, they seem to be related.