St.Petersburg - street walks (with telephoto and wide angle) - 16 fotos

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Here are some captures from the recent week, taken at the streets of St.Petersburg. #streetphoto as it supposed to be! unstaged ephemera, and the folks mundane business.


I've encountered another nice example of creative handmade 'material' ads on the streets. Advertisement of a little coffee shop... it promises vintage and cosiness, isnt it touchy?



I love these spring light and colors so much!



Huge fountains decorate the square near the Russian National Library building.


One-wheeled bicycle is still a rare sight on the streets of the city. Rare, but not exceptional - here's a proof picture for you. After the person noticed that I was photographing him, he gave me a smile (I didn’t have time to enter the frame) - this is really a rarity, and also very pleasant ... Most Russians are afraid (of what? Everything!) photographing themselves on the street causes them few pleasant thoughts and feelings and reflections ... in general, such a reciprocal smile for me is a great treasure. (NB: and thats another reason why I love to shoot kids, and prefer to use a telephoto for #street photography janre).

Одно-колесный велосипед все таки редкое зрелище на улицах города. Редкое, но не исключительное - вот вам пруф-картинка. После того, как человек заметил что я его фотографирую, он подарил мне улыбку (в кадр не успела войти) - вот это, действительно редкость, и к тому же очень приятная... Большинство русских опасаются (чего? всего!) и акт непостановочного фотографирования себя на улице вызывает у них мало приятных мыслей и чувств и рефлексий... в общем, такая ответная улыбка для меня - большая драгоценность.


Here I encountered a little marathon... non a velo one. Actually, I'd love to take part one day in a sort of a fun velo marathon (not a rivalry / harsh racing one...) -- but a sad thing, cycling dont mix well with an art of photography, and a heavy ruck-sack filled with different cool lense, hehe.


The girl enjoys spring nature, a glass of coffee and her scooter. I captured the moment of self-admiration... of course, the package hanging on the handle of the scooter does not decorate and does not benefit my photo, but it is honest! if I asked to remove the package from the frame, you understand, instead of a reportage, it would turn out to be a staged photo :)))

Девушка наслаждается весенней природой, стаканчиком кофе и своим самокатом. Я запечатлел момент само-любования... конечно, висящий на ручке самоката пакет не украшает и не идет на пользу моему фото, но зато оно честное! если бы я попросил убрать из кадра пакет, сами понимаете, вместо репортажного получилось бы постановочное фото :)))


They teach the child the art of photography from an early age! That's good thing... although I have a slight suspicion that if you give a child a smartphone, he will learn to press buttons himself, sooner or later. And the later this happens -- would be the better.

Они учат ребенка искусству фотографии уже с младшего возраста! Это хорошо... хотя, у меня есть смутные подозрения, что если дать ребенку смартфон, он научится нажимать кнопки... и чем позже это произойдет, тем будет лучше.



Teaching a kid to take care of our "little brothers" with whom we share the same planet is also a wonderful thing to do. Although personally I will be more pleased if any other bird will get my bread but pigeons ... they are just too sassy and dirty, and there are too many of them around! exactly like people on earth...

Помогать тем, с кем мы делим вместе планету, тоже отличное дело. Хотя не скрою, лично я буду больше доволен, если мой хлеб получат любые другие птицы, кроме голубей... просто они слишком наглые и грязные, и их слишком много! как и людей на Земле...



The inhabitants of the city are drawn to nature, they miss the green grass and are tired of the cold boring winter .... especially children! In the local park, one may see many families setting up barbecue grills and "picnic tables".


With their kidz, ofc, hanging around and having tremendous fun.


And at this place of my photo walk, the finish suddenly comes. I looked ahead and noticed that 20 meters from us people stop walking calmly and start to scatter - and also cover their heads with what they can: the sunny sky suddenly broke into a heavy downpour. I hid the camera closer to my body, tucking up the skirts of my jacket, and ran home as fast as I could... but still managed to take two more shots :)

А на этом месте моей фотопрогулки внезапно наступает финиш. Я посмотрел вперед и заметил, что в 20 метрах от нас люди перестают спокойно гулять и начинают разбегаться - а также накрывают головы кто чем может: солнечное небо внезапно разразилось сильнейшим ливнем. Я спрятал камеру поближе к телу, запахнув полы куртки, и побежал домой :)


location: St.Petersburg, Russia January 2022 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv
f/2.8 t 1/125 ISO 125 --

Thanks for walking with me, see you next time. Надеюсь, вам было приятно прогуляться со мной по улицам Петербурга!


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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Very cool photos!
Over here it's forbidden to feed the pigeons, they have became such a nuisance that the city hall was forced to pass such a law. 🤭

it's forbidden to feed the pigeons

o! is it just a municipal law, over local area, not over all the country?
i have heard the same about Helsinki. o tempora, o mores! 😜

Yeah, it's only in the largest cities.

I LOVE the dynammic nature of these photos - people moving, eating, playing - it really captures street life really well.

thank you very much, compliment is warmly accepted! #streetphoto is one of my fave janres, alongside with #macro... as I happen to be a metropolis habitant xD

here is a Hive !PIZZA for you (with mushrooms ofc... and some Provence herbs) 🍕 🤩

Oooh, delish.

I'm glad I caught this post, it really does distil an essence!

beautiful shots! I felt I was taking a walk just there! loved the one with the kids playing on a tree. great work!🙂

thanki for a compliment. appreciated! 🤗

Да, и прогулка была приятной!
Отличные фотографии!

You captured some adorable moments on your wander around 😁 love the added creative objects on the street like the advertisement.
The happy faces, or deep in thought. Beautiful.
Thank you so much for sharing @qwerrie 👋🏻😊
Have a great day further!

I do love creative and unusual finds! great you enjoyed the visuals -- thanks a lot for the compliment, appreciated! 🙏

You are so welcome @qwerrie 😊👋🏻 As do I. Finding them, photographing them and looking at other photographers posts… is just wonderful.
I truly did enjoy your visuals.

Have a wonderful evening further!

hello friends how are you there.

all the shots look so amazing, but the shots of the one-wheel rower man look so interesting and he looks so focused on the situation of the race road.

thanki for a compliment. appreciated! 🤗

beautiful shots! I felt I was taking a walk just there! loved the one with the kids playing on a tree. great work!🙂

They are all so beautiful and everyone looks very free spirited

kidz do not take shit... they are up for fun, ehehe....
have a Hive !PIZZA, my friend 🤸


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@qwerrie(2/5) tipped @riverflows (x1)
qwerrie tipped bettybunny (x1)

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The first pic is cool. And I thnik, I would to check that coffee shop. ;)

hi there! thanx for the compliment. in terms of 'reportage', the last photo (3 teenagers under the rain have started) was my fave.


Hey @tazi, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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Мы недавно с мужем начали кормить двух голубей, буквально пару минут их стало 100))) не меньше

смотрите.... становитесь на очень опасную дорожку!
и уж во всяком случае, ни в коем разе не делайте это под своими окнами 😜


Большинство русских опасаются (чего? всего!) и акт непостановочного фотографирования себя на улице вызывает у них мало приятных мыслей и чувств и рефлексий... в общем, такая ответная улыбка для меня - большая драгоценность.

Вот и дочь у меня боится фотоаппарата. отворачивается. Не умеет быть в кадре.