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RE: Every Child deserve to feel SAFE ❤️

That is soo True and I wish that we could be more like them, pure,genuine and they have the easiest solution on things... We usually complicate things 😜 lol

Life sure has changed and I Will catch up with you when we both have time, explaining why I been quiet with comments and posts.
I sure miss it tho... Soo much.

I miss how we always talked about everything, laughed and cried together 💋
I need my sapphire Sister Firefly

And YES...someday we Will meet in RL and I Will give you The biggest 🤗 HUGS and kisses 🥰🥰🥰
We probably get in trouble to as we can get a bit nuts to 😁 LMAO

Love you Bunches ❤️💋🌹


you don't have to explain anything to me... you know that. I love you and that doesn't depend on posts or comments or engagement... none of that. I love your heart and there are always seasons when we need silence - that's ok!!! your true friends will never leave Saffi - you know this. ❤️

and yes - hehehee we really did laugh and cry over so many things !
oh my gosh - i'm thinking back now- hahahahahahahahahahaha

Saffi - some of the conversations we have had! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

and of course we will get in trouble - we must get in trouble hehehehehe i love you Sara. always and forever

I know I don't have to 🥰 just like you don’t... Sometimes words aren't needed... We get each other and can see each other 😍

We have to catch up soon and I miss our goofyness and thinking back on how we always went on in sapphire dm 😂🙈 OMG... Flashy,blue bath with candles and amazing oils 😂 Hahahaha

Have a wonderful evening sis and never forget. I LOVE YOU ❤️💋❤️