🥾 Visiting the Castle Ruin Wieladingen

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Hello Hivers

I hope you all had a great start into the new year! One of my favorite ways to embark on a new year is to go on a nice hike. Always helps to incubate some thoughts, making and consolidating plans. And to come up with late new year resolutions. Like getting back to posting more frequently on Hive! What resolutions did you commit to? Feel free to share in the comments!

As a destination for my new year hike I choose a ~10k loop in the beautiful Hotzenwald, a region in the very south of the Black Forest. Highlight of the tour being a visit to the castle ruin Wieladingen.

Let's go!

What a weather for early January! Usually I would opt for snowshoe hiking at this time in the year...

Entering the Hotzenwald. The stone-cutter Eckart von Hänner once lived here in the forest. A bearded giant who terrified all who got behold of him for the first time. Some say he still haunts the Hotzenwald as the Moosteufel (moss devil). I expect no encounter for today.



An impressive boulder, covered with a dense fur made of moss.

A first glance on the ruins castle keep.

Flora and Fauna of the Hotzenwald.

Across the bridge over the river Murg and up towards the castle.

Fascinating tree structure. Like a tentacle.

Stone stairs make the ascent easier.

Further up along the the Seelbach.

The creek Seelbach falls in several cascades forming the Strahlbruschwasserfall.

Just a few more steps.

There, the mighty castle.

The castle ruin Wieladingen with its stronghold.


The view towards the Rhine valley.

And down again.


Getting out of the woods.

A little chapel marks the end of this hike.

Thanks for following along and see you back next time 👋.


All photos recorded by myself with an iPhone 13. All rights reserved.


So very beautiful. I can feel the moss under my feet as I look at the pictures.

Was it as undisturbed as it seems? Were there no tourists? How fortunate if that is true. The angle of the sun is striking as you captured it.

You know I'm off to read about the castle and the forest now :))

I've met a family having a picknick in the castle, otherwise I haven't seen a soul along the track. No signs of the Mossdevil neither. Too sunny most likely :D

You know I'm off to read about the castle and the forest now :))

I would have bet you would ;) I put two links in the intro as a starting point. Let me know if you can dig up something interesting!


I'm on it. Fascinating. It seems there is little in the more accessible sources about the "squires and knights" who occupied it. Some random notes about the lord who owned it falling into penury and turning it over to monks. The adventure continues....🌲

Somehow I am quite sure this place has inspired Andersen for some of his fairy tales... Wonderful walk!


Yes, it's easy to imagine gnomes and elves under each rock around this area...thanks for stopping by!

A wonderful landscape. It looks more like a spring print than from the beginning of the year.

That's true. Some confused bees were flying around at the chapel already.

Lovely place to relax!

@tipu curate

Indeed. Thanks for stopping by and the vote!

I love how you have to hike until you reach the castle! Over here the castles are quite accessible with the car and that requires zero efforts on our end to make it to the destination but sometimes I really miss hiking instead of letting the car bring me there

Great views during this hike! A great start of the year~
Mossdevil living in all those moss 😅

That's a very inspiring photo, @shaka, especially for me who likes forests, and what you post is a type of forest that doesn't exist in our place, Aceh, Sumatra.

However, for this new year 2023, one of the most important things for me is to write every day for hive.blog.

Thanks for sharing the information and photos of the place so, even though I've never been there, I can figure it out.

Where is this?Amazing!!Wow!!!

In the southern part of the Black Forest, Germany.

Awesome place and beautiful pics! Congratulations!!!

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Lovely place! Great pics!
Have been there when I was 4 years old. I vaguely remember...

Interesting. So you grew up around that area?

No, but we went there on a family trip. Must have been 20+ people. I remember only a few random places, just like pictures from an old, yellowed photo album.

La Paz misma, muy muy buenas fotos 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

I really like castles, I'm lucky because I was born in a village where there is one

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This is awesome!

This is amazing, they are all beautiful.

This post was upvoted by the Nature Lovers Community


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Oh man, going on a hike and visiting a castle.. that does sound like a fun day.

Really enjoyed seeing all those little water falls along the way.