the city beats, April 8th


Fine Day for Fotos

Some of the best days for photos involve an understanding of your oculus, or vision. The first introduction to that word came from my current reads. In essence, where one stands dictates their perspective. In order to change perspectives, consider your position, location.

Today's adventures tested that principle. Looking left, right, up and down the sense Spring approaches rapidly couldn't be shaken.


Springing into Order

Amongst the Thirteen Virtues of Benjamin Franklin's, order makes the current focus this month. Within the city, it was difficulty to ignore the return of life and bustle in and about the routes.

My sister spotted the window washers above and memories about roofing in the city while I was still a high school student surfaced.

The infatuation with exploring areas while skating past the law appealed for a long time, until I unique desire to communicate my story took root. Today, the seeds planted in adventure and wanderlust make tall trees within a forest of dense imagination.

"What if we went there? What could we see on the way? Imagine the flicks!"


Small Tasks, Building Big

Around the train station we take to ride home, construction continues in the fair weather. The experience gained at a commercial real estate firm gave foreknowledge of this project. 700 ft. of office spaces, some retail setup at the bottom wouldn't spring up over night, but it did take steps each day.

It reminds me of books highlighting the effects of small steps. The urge to share some knowledge with my sibling couldn't be resisted.

Neither could the desire to create and share- these brief blog posts make it possible for greater creations and longer writings in the future. I didn't realize how much beauty could be found in starting out small.


I once wanted that window washing gig more than anything, so I could be high all day, and see things.

Took to the web because I couldn’t stand being chained on the block. Heard

Lately I've been trying to take street photos and I've been having a hard time, it's like I don't know how to see, or I don't know what to take.
Your photos have given me some ideas. Congratulations.
Best regards.

These things are meditations, each one a reflection.

Even now, I’m upset beyond consolation. Separating oneself from desires might bring about the aim inevitably.

Where is the name of place? Spring has approached rapidly, but it is still cold some days.

The South Station Tower. Much larger than the name implies. It is a cold world. People going one way, the world another. All the more reason to nurture your fire.

What kind of gigantic building is that?
Those buildings are very big
Nice one!

This tower is coming up slowly but surely. I might photograph the impressive process. Cheers