Are You Sure These Cars Won't Roll Over?

Good Tuesday, tree lovers!

Here I am again, with one more entry for #treetuesday, an initiative by @old-guy-photos.

One cannot visit San Francisco and leave without seeing at least one of the famous Steep Streets, you know... those famous cityscapes we all have seen on TV. When we came across the Broadway Street, we knew we had to climb it to see what all the fuss was about. And it was as good as we hoped.

In the middle of this section of the Broadway Street, there was the cutest house hidden among the trees. 😊


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That whole part of the street was filled with parked cars that made us feel a little uneasy. It felt as if they were about to roll over... and if they did, they would be rolling for quite a distance, as there was a long way down, all the way to the bay shore. 😮


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Here you have, a view from the top of the street. Can you imagine if a car started rolling down? It would be total mayhem... a bit like Carmageddon!


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The view from there was quite impressive, though. You could see all the way to the Oakland Bay Bridge, not as famous as the Golden Gate, but an equally impressive feat of engineering. This bridge is actually much longer than Golden Gate.

The Oakland Bay Bridge is divided in two sections and goes right through the Treasure Island. One section connects San Francisco to the Island... and the next section joins the Island to Oakland. It is one of the income sources to the city hall, as every car coming in needs to pay a toll. Going the other way is free of charge.


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The city you see across the waters, on the other side of the bridge is Oakland. That is a scary place, when compared to San Francisco and has a lot of criminals. I guess the toll also serves as a deterrent to keep them out...? The fact is we felt completely safe in San Francisco but while in Oakland, we were so scared we didn't even left the car. We parked for about two minutes... saw a few thugs walking around with guns... and left the place as fast as we could. 🤐

I hope you liked these shots!

LocationSan Francisco, California - USA
CameraCanon IXUS 210
Photos4 (Edited with GIMP)



It can be but not sure if it is there any earthquake then it might be rolled into one another?

That thought also entered my mind... 😉

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Thank you very much! 🤗

Very beautiful city, great photos. Thank you!

You're right. I liked that city a lot! Too bad it's so far away...
Thanks for dropping by! 🤗

Indeed, it's going to be like "Carmageddong!"
Haha,I was even bending my phone to see if they would stay leveled😅

Eheeehhe! No can do... it's a real mess!
Thanks for stopping by!

You are welcome buddy👍

These are some gorgeous shots. I wasn’t aware that the cars look like that on the Steep Streets. Makes the hills of WV look simple.

Yeah, it's a bit crazy. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to park my car like that! 🤭

I would have so much anxiety parking every day 😂😂 I couldn’t even imagine

You and me both. I think I would park somewhere else and walk a little bit, just to avoid leaving my car like that! But now I don't even own a car, so that wouldn't be my problem! 😀

lol. cars in an awkward position

Yeah, it looks very risky! Maybe they're adrenaline junkies? 🤭

Oh wow! I never knew this about San Francisco. When I saw the first photo and your title I thought it was a joke, like I thought you were the one who manipulated the picture to make it look like these cars are hanging on. Interesting stuff 😎

No, there are lots and lots of streets like this. It's kind of scary for an outsider! 🤭
Thanks for your visit and comment!

That looks so scary! I wouldn't park my car there. 😲

Eheheh! Neither would I. 😂
Thanks for stopping by!

How bizarre, I guess you would want to be careful parking on the wrong side with a near empty fuel tank. Might not be able to start it when you get back in.

I didn't even think about that. My biggest fear was waking up on the next day and finding my car turned upside down. 🤭

No problem if the park brake is set :)

Can those breaks stop gravity? 😂

It looks like just a slope :)

How interesting, it isn't Lombard street. Can't tell you how much time I've spent in The City (that's what locals call The Bay). Onky tourists say San Francisco and worse is Frisco, no one says that.

I know that much and I can't remember Broadway specifically. Probably cuz all the streets are like that and I don't pay attention to the name. Up down, up down.

Probably cuz all the streets are like that and I don't pay attention to the name. Up down, up down

It sure was a crazy city. People went to work on a skate... but had to return by taxi or bus! 😂
Thanks for your visit!

Sanfrancisco is beautiful

Yep, it is a very nice city! 😎