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RE: The Partnership : Huawei & Leica - Designer Chronicles, Vol. 2

By reading your comment you will be a perfect product designer if you want to and I like the way how we are adding in to how designers and photographers see the world. In its essence we understand how to see and catch detail in scenes and objects. The laws of marketing and advertising... very cool you actually know this... not many realize the importance or even care to think about it. I have tried to combine the two of design and marketing into a new department. Maybe I will elaborate on this subject on a blog post one day~~ placed on check list! :)

As for the optical technology since phones improve so drastically model by model, month by month... I have a feeling that the tech I explained for 2015 is now obsolete compared to the Galaxy M31 due to the fact the M31 was launched on early 2020. Its probably way superior than a phone cam from 2015. :) I do wonder if the black and white photography is still superior in Huawei devices... I have not used the most recent device... although I am eager to just buy one.... hehehe. I will post a photo I took that used the black and white feature from Leica on the Huawei P9 to be exact.

The two images you see here has not been altered. Its an image taken directly from the normal mode and then black n white photography feature. Take a Look and let me know what you think. Completely honest photos pure and raw as it gets. :)

Thanks! Great conversation I really enjoy~ Hope this helps.




I am not engaged in design or marketing, I have nothing to sell :-))
But I like your words. Thanks.

If someone is engaged in product design, then first of all it should be aimed at marketing. At least this is important for the company)

As for the optical technology... I have nothing to compare it with. Yes, technology is developing rapidly. To be honest, I practically don't shoot with my Galaxy M31. It's just that I haven't been outside without a camera for a long time...even to the store, not to mention nature. But I know that there are 4 cameras installed on it at once. This increases the shooting capabilities, but I have not seen shooting in RAW mode in the settings. I don't like how the software handles snapshots. I'm used to doing it manually.

I will post a photo I took that used the black and white feature from Leica on the Huawei P9 to be exact.

This is a very good quality for a smartphone camera. I like the softness of the shades of gray and the pleasant contrast. It even looks a bit like a film photograph.

Yes, I agree, we had a very good conversation and I learned a lot of new and useful things for myself.
Thanks :)