Islands in Coron

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!

Before I'll share my next travel blog, I would like to share these photos that are taken using my camera (finally). I'll be sharing my Kayangan Lake experience in the next few days, but before that, I would like to have a separate post to highlight these photos. I'm just so stoked to find out I have this in my camera:

This is Busuanga Island where the town of Coron is located.

For context, I was in Coron last March 10-13, 2022 and I already shared the first day of the tour. You can read those blogs here:

These photos were taken when we were on our way to the first spot for the second day of our tour in Coron. I decided to have this in a separate post because if I'll include these photos in the next travel post, these might not be highlighted. Let me tell you ahead that the next posts will be one of my favourite tourist spots I've visited here in the Philippines.

The next two photos are what I believe to be Uson Island. This is just across Coron Town proper. These islands are located in Coron Bay. They're the prominent landmasses you will see when you will be island hopping.

The following photos are taken in Coron Island. It's where the majority of the tour stops are located. Famous spots on the island are Kayangan Lake, Barracuda Lake, and Twin Lagoon. They will be included in my blog(s) soon!

Coron Island looked like a sleeping giant when viewed at a certain angle especially when viewed from the town proper. Can you see the resemblance? That's what the people of Coron and the guides have told us.

Let's have some closeup shots to show some magnificent details of the karst formation of the island:

At this point, I'll share some photos are the boat docking area of Kayangang Lake. The moment our boat docked, I told my friend I wanted to go back there the soonest even if we haven't technically started the tour yet. I mean, these photos don't even do justice to those magnificent structures.

I guess that's all for this post. I really don't have much to say. Just enjoy them as they are. Oh, wait! Let me share at least one photo as proof of my visit (or vanity).

Stay tuned for the Kayangan Lake post! It will help you understand why a lot of tourists want to visit the spot. It's just too instagrammable.

Kim Ybañez

Welcome to Kim's small corner in Hive. He is a chemical engineer by profession, but a blogger by passion. He is a wanderlust and an adventure seeker. Join his quests as he visits secluded destinations, climbs mountains, tries new and exotic dishes, and explores his country (The Philippines). He's also a trying hard photographer so stay tuned as he shares his photos and his thought process while creating them.

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What a beautiful place we have in the Philippines but so sorry for me, I don't see it personally. Good for you, Kim and happy that you share it with us. Gi tour nimo akong mata, feeling naa nakakita😊

If mauli naka diris Pinas, laag nya Nay @olivia08. Friendly ra kaayo for tourists ang Coron. Kuha lang ug tour package, sila na bahala sa tanan.

So many islands in Philippines, incredible! And all of them looking so exotic. We don't really have this type of gems offered by nature in Romania but it's definitely something that I would like to see one day!

Visit the Philippines someday! 😄

It's on my list for sure 😄

nindot jd ang mga islands tan awon uy...

Kaayo jud! Gilahi nalang nako ug post para mahighlight kay nindot jud sila.

katong pag ara sad namo before kay grabe nakong picture sa mga mountains... haha feeling nako ma miss nako ang uban kun di ko mopicture

Yeah! Kay bisan asa ka mutan-aw, nindot kaayo.

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Lahi ra gyud ang Palawan....soon🙏🙏🙏

You must feel a great peace, tranquility and many other things on this beautiful island.

Yes! And existential crisis. 😂

woooww.... very nice view.
I feel like I want to be there.
great shot my friend.👍

Thank you!

you are welcome

Nice shots! The views are soo fascinating. I kinda stunned when I see the upclose photo of Coron island, because it really does look like a sleeping giant 😆

Thank you! I was also amazed when a random lady vendor told us about that resemblance.

What a beautiful island and I love the rocky island in this gorgeous sea.
Looking forward seeing your post from the Kayangan Lake.

I'll post tomorrow or the day after. Still sorting through the photos.

Wow! the picture with the sleeping giant looks incredible, but if you don't describe it like that, then I cannot picture it. 😂
This bay reminds me of Ha long Bay in Vietnam.

There are some similarities, but Ha Long Bay is more famous, I guess. Southeast Asian countries have similar formations. Thailand have some famous tourist spots like this also.

But yeah, the sleeping giant is incredible to see. Once you see it, you can't unsee it anymore.

That place looks super beautiful and that water looks amazing! =) Thanks for sharing these with us browski! hahaha

Indeed! It would be selfish of me if I'll keep such beauty to myself. When I was there, I even felt I was not deserving. 😄

Hahaha Well, i won't be the judge of that... but if you are there then appreciate it, rather you deserve it or not! hahahah
Kim... The Hero We Don't Deserve! hahaha

Hahaha! The Hero We Don't Deserve Who's Also Not Deserving! 😂

That's what makes it so fitting! ahaha

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I can attest to the beauty of the lake, we were there in 2018.

Yasss! How was the experience? There were a lot of tourists?

Local tourists, yes.

Another beautiful place in the Philippines, Something we can be proud of.

True! We should be proud of this and maintain for the next generation to see.

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Yay! Thanks, Choo!

Huhu my squad were supposed to be here last year. We missed the opportunity due to covid. Coron is realllyyyy beautiful. <3

Book again! It's better now.

But my wallet ain't getting better now 😆

Hive! 😄 And then use your earnings to fund your travels.

Wow the water is so blue and looks perfect for a quick swimming. Hope you enjoyed every bit of it 😊

Enjoy it a lot!

Wow! Coron🥰 Beautiful place and shots. May I know what tour of Coron you joined?

We joined Calamian Islands Travel and Tours.