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RE: my first investment (ENG-ESP)

in Rising Star Game2 years ago

Hi, Its worth looking for cards on tribaldex ( you can pick up good bargains there. Buying packs when you first start is a bit random and you can pay over the odds. If I were to start again, I'd start picking up low value cards that provide 10 fans each - you can get these for around 500 starbits on Tribaldex. And then as soon as you can switch to picking up rare cards that provide 125 fans, at about 6500 starbits each - this will really boost your income.

Please also note that when you reach level 15 (I think) the ego effect will kick in and you will have to start doing music lessons to improve your skill level. Be prepared because it hits pretty hard when it starts - I started picking up guitars with 10 luck (for about 1,100 each) and then do guitar lessons to reduce the ego effect. So worth getting a few of those ready for when you get close to level 15.

You can also use the following link ( to buy cards which figures out what the cheapest card is, in terms of fans, etc, at that moment in time. Just keep refreshing the site because the card market changes quite regularly.

I hope that helps. Good luck !