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RE: Rising Star Pack #218

You could head over to and test your luck in some dice. Or, you can collect SBT from the faucet within the labs faucet system. It would take quite a bit of time to get to 100k through the faucet. DEC, SBT, and Forge is currently being dripped through the faucet.


ah, i see i see! but first, I am definitely eyeing on hitting the highest tier! Gonna do my best! By chance, are there any places we can see how many people are in each tier?

I really do need to create some kind of post that will mention everyone within all the tiers every so often, probably weekly. The best I could suggest, for now, is using hive explorer and look at the richlist to see who is all holders and compare them to the general chat members inside of the discord. Their names should be different colors too. So, maybe you could see them already inside of the discord.

yes, agreed! Your SBT is an awesome awesome project, love this initiative. I am like mass purchasing SBT now as much as I can afford. Really love it. I am hoping to get into your highest tier as soon as possible!