Celebrating My 500th Mission Milestone + R87 Stacy GIVEAWAY!!! [CLOSED]

in Rising Star Game3 years ago (edited)

Here it is folks! I finally finished my 500th mission and I got a FREE card pack!

 " " \" \"500.PNG\"\"""

Let's see what's inside:  " " \" \"500 results.PNG\"\"""

Not bad! But I already have a few R87 Stacy cards so I'm giving this one away! This is my first giveaway so just comment "hello world" to be included in the draw. I'll announce the winner on my next post!

 "R87 Stacy.png"

Follow @openwide for more giveaways in the future!


hello world, also, thanks for the GA @amaillo

hello world.


hello world. hahaha congrats.

hello world

hello world


hello world


Hello World.

hello world

Thank you for the contest username: lacandela hello world

Hello world :)

hello world

hello world! @maurojd

hello world @lofone

Hello beautiful world! :) @karkalitsos

hello world

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Closed. Any comments after this are considered invalid. Click here to track ongoing and upcoming giveaways!

hello world 😍

hello world

awesome and many thanks for the giveaway!

hello world
Good luck everyone!

hello world

hello world

Wow!!! Stacy!!! 🙌

Count me in!

Hello World

IGN @luizeba

hello world

hello world

Hello World!!! @mario02