Germination: New Experimental Cycle (English/Spanish)


Today I have to harvest the Kali Mist #2, I decided to do it one day before the recommended date and it is definitely always better to cut earlier, everything about this day, I mean all the details of the harvest, I will bring them for next week, in this publication I will focus on the new plants that I germinated.

I germinated 3 different genetics, about 5 new plants, some of them I had grown before but they were almost all male plants and I had to cut them, but this time it will be a new start, usually I don't germinate plants at this time or in these months, I prefer to do it or start germination in the month of April, because I always do better to start everything from that time of the year for many reasons that a few growers already know.


But as I am in a tropical climate, right now the heat is still very strong, so it is logical that I can grow all year round, of course by this time I had a little break, but that will not happen because I have the active mentality to always be working and it is very difficult to have nothing to do, I am always busy in some project and that seems to me positive, although sometimes it is exhausting, but if we want to achieve the objectives we have to work.


Some plants had their stems stretched too much and I got them bent, what I did was to transplant them with only 2 or 3 days was risky but it seems to have worked, you always have to do everything possible to save the plants, even when they are just born which is the moment when they are weaker and you have to pay a lot of attention to them.



I think I'm still abusing the Kali Mist #1 test so I'm going to take it softer so that even the material can cure it and have the opportunity to test it with 2 or 3 months of cure, maybe a little more, in the meantime we continue to strengthen the cannabis culture around the planet, because these publications can be read in different parts of the world.

Photos by agcoeficiente10

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Germinacion: Nuevo Ciclo Experimental

Hoy justamente me toca cosechar la Kali Mist #2 decidi hacerlo un dia antes de la fecha recomendada y es que definitivamente siempre es mejor cortar mas temprano, todo respecto a este dia, osea lo que se refiere a todos los detalles de la cosecha, los traere para la proxima semana, en esta publicacion me centrare en las nuevas plantas que germine.

Germine 3 diferentes geneticas, alrededor de 5 plantas nuevas, algunas de ellas las habia cultivado antes pero resultaron casi todas plantas macho y tuve que cortarlas, pero esta vez sera un nuevo comienzo, generalmente no germino plantas en esta epoca o en estos meses, prefiero hacerlo o iniciar la germinacion en el mes de abril, porque siempre me va mejor comenzar todo desde esa epoca del tiempo por muchas razones que unos cuantos cultivadores ya saben.

Pero como estoy en un clima tropical, ahorita sigue muy fuerte el calor, entonces es logico que puedo cultivar todo el año, por supuesto ya para esta fechas tenia un pequeño descanso, pero eso no va pasar porque ya tengo la mentalidad activa para siempre estar trabajando y es muy dificil que no tenga nada que hacer, siempre estoy ocupado en algun proyecto y eso me parece positivo, aunque a veces es agotador, pero si queremos lograr los objetivos tenemos que trabajar.

Algunas plantas se les estiro mucho el tallo y las consegui dobladas, lo que hice fue trasplantarlas con apenas 2 o 3 dias fue riesgoso pero parece haber funcionado, siempre hay que hacer todo lo posible por salvar las plantas, incluso recien nacidas que es el momento cuando estan mas debiles y hay que ponerles mucha atencion.

Pienso que sigo abusando del test de la Kali Mist #1 asi que voy a llevarla mas suave para que incluso el material pueda curarlo y tener oportunidad de probarlo con 2 o 3 meses de curacion, quizas un poco mas, por lo pronto seguimos fortaleciendo la cultura cannabica alrededor de todo el planeta, porque estas publicaciones pueden leerlas en diferentes partes del mundo.
Fotos por agcoeficiente10

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Nice that seedling looks healthy

Yes, but you have to keep an eye on them because their stems grow a lot and sometimes they break, it has already happened to me.

A priest was arrested at a church
He was convicted for mass murder.

Credit: reddit
@agcoeficiente10, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision.hypno
