Perseverance: Ignite x Ignite in Flowering Phase


I have been extremely busy with much of my work, which is divided into different layers, I have also had hardware and system problems with my work equipment that little by little I have been solving but with certain obstacles that are always part of life and sometimes are accentuated but I keep growing because as long as I have seeds I will continue to do it as God intended.



Of the last plants that I have left which I have been growing since last year are the Ignite x Ignite and the Syrup Auto, some of the other plants that I also had turned out to be males and I had to cut them, so I only had the Ignite and the Syrup Auto, this time I will emphasize the Ignite x Ignite that I am close to harvest, the Syrup Auto I already harvested, I will talk about it in another publication in a few days.



The seed of this plant Ignite x Ignite was sent to me by a brother from Canada last year and he told me that he wanted to see it grow in South America, so it is the first time that this plant grows in this region and specifically in my country of residence, it has been interesting because it adapted very well to the climate, I think that it could have grown more but I controlled a little the height in the sense of the date in which I germinate it, but the aroma of this plant is powerful even in the nights from the terrace to my room it hits the aroma very typical of this genetics that for what I can perceive will have a very promising effect, that I will be able to corroborate it in the near future when I can test it. The plant is 1 month and 11 days old, exactly 42 days in flowering phase.



Anyway I leave the captures that I made today of the plant along the publication, which as I mentioned is soon to be harvested, be careful if it does not have less days left than I think.


I continue to maintain the quality in my publications and with the sincerity that characterizes me when I express myself through writing and in general, that not many people like but that always makes you a better person to be authentic.

Photos by agcoeficiente10

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Perseverancia: Ignite x Ignite en Fase de Floración

He estado sumamente ocupado con gran parte de mi trabajo, que se divide en diferentes capas, además he tenido problemas de hardware y sistema con mi equipo de trabajo que poco a poco he estado solventando pero con ciertos obstáculos que siempre son parte de la vida y a veces se acentúan pero sigo cultivando porque mientras tenga semillas lo seguiré haciendo como Dios manda.

De las últimas plantas que me quedaron las cuales vengo cultivando desde el año pasado son la Ignite x Ignite y la Syrup Auto, algunas de las demás plantas que tambien tenia resultaron machos y tuve que cortarlas, así que solo me quedaron la Ignite y La Syrup Auto, esta vez haré hincapié en la Ignite x Ignite que estoy cerca de cosechar, la Syrup Auto ya la coseche, de ella hablaré en otra publicación en algunos días.

La semilla de esta planta Ignite x Ignite me la envió un hermano de Canadá el año pasado y me dijo que quería verla crecer en Sudamerica, asi que es la primera vez que esta planta crece en esta región y específicamente en mi país de residencia, ha sido interesante porque se adaptó muy bien al clima, pienso que pudo haber crecido más pero controle un poco la altura en el sentido de la fecha en la que la germine, pero el aroma de esta planta es potente incluso en las noches desde la terraza a mi habitación pega el aroma muy propio de esta genética que por lo que puedo percibir tendrá un efecto muy prometedor, eso lo podre corroborar en el futuro próximo cuando la pueda testear. La planta tiene 1 mes y 11 dias, exactamente 42 dias en fase de floracion.

De todas formas dejo las capturas que hice hoy de la planta a lo largo de la publicación, que como mencione esta pronto a ser cosechada, cuidado si no le quedan menos días de los que pienso.

Sigo manteniendo la calidad en mis publicaciones y con la sinceridad que me caracteriza cuando me expreso mediante la escritura y en general, que no ha muchas personas les gusta pero que te hacen siempre mejor persona al ser auténtico.

Fotos por agcoeficiente10

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Looking good, and good to see you posting again. Hope all is good.

BTW we have made a new community, since the Weedcash front end is no more.

Yes friend @canna-curate thank you, this is practically my last plant of the season left from last year, now I will take a vacation from growing but for only 1 month and a half and in April I start again God willing, I am solving several things and I hope to put a few in order.

Of course I will try to keep posting because there is always a lot to say not only when growing, but also when we test everything we have produced.

I'm glad you told me about the move regarding the new community, the truth is that when I saw the Weedcash feed it seemed to me that a lot of people were missing, I saw it a bit empty and now I understand why.

I'll take a look at the link you left me and I'll subscribe once and for all, thanks for the re-welcome and may the misunderstandings be in the past if they ever existed.

My only dropped 25% vote so I just voted your reply comment at 100%.

Thats a pretty and very well cared for plant. Top notch job.

Following and definitely going to keep an eye out for your further posts...

Thanks for the support @ganjafarmer yes and what has surprised me is that it reached this phase of flowering and already very advanced the leaves never showed lack of nitrogen always green and almost no yellow leaves, when most plants at this time if they show it, but I think it was also because when I put it directly to start flowering I added a good amount of nitrogen foliar form.

I also think that as I use in its totality fertilizers or organic fertilizers among them the bat guano for flowering this one contains a good quantity of nitrogen besides phosphorus and that strengthened it, I thank your commentary and that good that you liked my work, I will try to place next publications soon, while I solve some things.

Of course I can't wait to continue to support your excellent blog!