Green Crack has sprouted and I already have some bugs


A new baby in the home


My Green Crack seed started sprouting up yesterday and I was hoping that it would shed the seed casing overnight, but it hadn't, so I needed to give it a helping hand to get the shell and skin off of it this morning.


I grabbed a pair of tweezers and hopped into action to help get the shell off so it can spread its tiny leaves and begin soaking up the light. It is sort of like performing surgery when doing this because things can go south if you aren't careful. The main thing to remember when doing this is that the taproot is pretty shallow in the soil, so if you begin pulling on the shell and it isn't coming off, don't force it because you can actually pull the seedling up out of the soil and expose the taproot. That is a pretty bad situation because then you have to try and carefully insert the taproot back into the soil without bending it and putting too much pressure on it.


A few tips with removing the shell can be to lightly spray the seedling with some water and allow it to soak in a bit so that the shell and skin slide off a bit easier. Another thing you can do if you are having problems removing it is to try a different angle. If you are pulling one way and it isn't budging, just try pulling it a different way. It helps to loosen it up a bit.


I was able to get the shell off without any problems and the leaves started to pop open once they weren't compressed anymore. Throughout the day today, the leaves will open all the way and the first set of fan leaves will begin to spread out as well.

When I removed the shell off of it, I noticed a couple tiny white aphids on it already. Good thing I already have some Dr Enzymes pest control and I will be soaking the soil with it and tonight I will spray a little bit on the leaves. I need to be careful with this little baby because its first weeks are some of the most important in its short lifespan.

I think that the bugs were in the soil I just got. With it being the off season for planting, a lot of the soils sit in warehouses where they can get infested with bugs. I used this same soil when I repotted my GDP as well, so I will be treating that plant as well. I haven't had any issues with bugs since I grew the Quad Grape, but luckily I am catching it very early with this plant and I already have everything needed to get rid of them.


It has been a week since I flipped the lights on the GDP to 12/12 and it is starting to show the early signs of flower and has begun its stretch. During this time, the plant can stretch about half of its previous height.


I am going to be getting the second layer of the SCROG net in sometime this week to help support the new length of the branches that will be producing all of the buds.


I am also going to be trimming off any branches and leaves that are beneath the lower level of netting, because those branches won't get any light and will just steal nutrients from the rest of the plant as it flowers.


Speaking of nutrients, I went to a local hydroponic shop and got a refill on some of the nutrients I was out of. The Big Bloom is one that I go through pretty quickly because so much is used with each feeding, but the others should last me a few grow cycles.


Bembe from Fox Farm is a new one that I have never used, but I am pretty excited about it. This one is supposed to help enhance the flavor and smell of your cannabis, or whatever you are growing. The cannabis I have been growing has such an amazing smell and I can't wait to see how this will help to enhance that flavor.


These two nutrients were given to me as samples, but they sound pretty awesome from what the guy at the shop was telling me. Explode is supposed to thicken up your buds and make them full of sugary trichomes. It has some really good reviews, so I will use it with the Green Crack. I don't want to mix too many nutrients with the GDP.


The GDP is starting to show early bud production and I really can't wait to see how this plant does over the two months. It is going to get insane in the tent with the three lights all on this one plant.


I don't even know how many little branches there are sticking up through the netting, but I think this is going to produce the same if not more than the six quad grape plants I had in the tent. This plant is going to be a nice test to see how well the lights do with a lower amount of plants in the tent.


So far, the results have been amazing. This is the biggest plant I have ever had. Fingers crossed that things keep going well for this one because it is going to full of beautiful buds.


Well someone’s been busy, looks amazing. I gave it a go in 2019, grew Damnesia was super fun, only wish I was able to get me hands on those expert nutrients. Might just drop a seed or 2 for an outdoor grow.

That’s awesome. I would love to grow outdoors here. But I think my neighbors wouldn’t like it too much. My dogs would also get into the plants and eat them.

Wish I could do another indoor, but we just don't has space, also it's a mission. Gonna try get some kiff seeds and do a less effort wild grow.

That would be cool to see more grow logs here! And you could just make some compost at home, and then you got some great fertilizer!

Will definitely post if I do an outdoor, it's also excellent climate here in Africa for growing.

Nice photos, I use bembe as well. The schedual for fox farm says to use it after the 3rd week of flower all the way to harvest. I do notice the buds produce more resin. Also, very true about the increase in scent and trichomes. Green Crack is popular amongs sative smokers. It's also know to have high THC. Man these grows are going faster and faster.

Nice, I am looking forward to using the Bembe. Good to know that it works. I am excited for the Green Crack. I have heard nothing but good things about it.

If you like Sativa it's top 5 in my opinion:
Blue Dream, Jack, Green Crack, Super Silver Haze and Sour Diesel.
I like Jack and Sour Diesel from time to time. Women love Blue Dream.

I may be a woman then, cause I like Blue Dream, lol. The very first plant I ever grew was a bag seed from some blue dream I picked up at a dispensary. I never did grow it all the way until harvest though because I started buying some auto flower seeds once I saw how easy it was to grow.

I do like sour diesel as well. I had that one a few times with my best friend a couple years ago.

Lol, no dude check again.

Tempted. Really very fresh and beautiful. How long does it take to harvest?

It all depends on the strain, but my red poison was the fastest. It only took 8-9 weeks from the time it sprouted until harvest.

I'm interested in that fertilizer. But I've never used. maybe I will use it when the rice plants are 6 weeks old. BtW thank you brother @derangedvisions , very useful tips..

ooh! you make the babies look like models! 🌱

They are models. lol

A friend set me some green crack. It has become one of my favorite! Upvoted and rehived.

That is awesome. I keep hearing nothing but good things about that strain. I am super excited for it.

You should be! All my neighborhood loves it.

Great tip on giving your baby a helping hand. Kind of like cutting off an umbilical cord lol

Also when making your solution, I would go 1/4 of what the recommended for preventive maintenance on a seedling.

Ya, I used quite a diluted mixture to soak the soil this morning. Hopefully these bugs go to hell where they belong.

Your shot always is best. I see your photography looks unique from others.