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RE: It is already over 72 feet tall and going for more

in WeedCash Network3 years ago

"these days started to be very hot with temperatures above 37ºC, every morning when I get up I go and throw water on it. If possible I use sprinklers to water the plant but with a plastic bottle, I especially try to water the leaves and not flood the stem"

That is a perfect recipe for growing mold and destroying your crop. I would recommend doing the exact opposite. Do NOT water during the heat of the day. And do NOT water the leaves, water the roots.

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Thank you very much for the advice, I will do it from now on

Hot and wet conditions are perfect for mold growth, which can really destroy a cannabis plant. The flowers are the most vulnerable parts to growing mold. One common type is called powdery mildew, which looks like white or gray powder on leaves. Giving the roots cool water on a hot day is a good idea, as long as the water isn't too cold, which might shock the plant. I think as long as you continue to keep it watered, it will thrive in the sunshine! Your flowers will be huge soon :)

thanks a lot for the advice and ihope that my weed keep growing up more and more