Growing outdoors can sometimes be a surprise

in WeedCash Network8 months ago (edited)

I generally grow outdoors because of the ease of not having to pay close attention to the plants and I only go out to add water to the soil.
This time I am lucky to say that a seed from “Big Mack” turned out to be female and I will be able to try something different.


One of the seeds created a kind of species hybrid plant, characteristics of female and male at the same time; Never in my life did I think I would have a plant like this because I had only seen it on the internet, it could be an interesting opportunity to create new genetics or cross with my plants, for the moment I will keep it away to prevent them from pollinating mine.


In the meantime, I germinated more of my seeds because I am preparing several harvests for this summer. I calculated the hours well to ensure that the plants form buds and do not continue to grow excessively as before when I wanted 1 meter plants and ended up with 3 meter beasts harvesting at the 6 months.




Pues tiene muy buen pinta pero parece que ha salido hermafrodita (los dos sexos al mismo tiempo). No es buena idea hacer semillas de esa planta ya que hay muchas probabilidades de que la siguiente generación salga hermafrodita también. Son muy difíciles de controlar y acaban echando a perder todo el cultivo. !WEED

Posted using WeedCash Network

La voy a tirar entonces, que mala suerte tengo hahahah

Es lo mejor que se puede hacer.

Did you figure out what was wrong with your plant?
You didn't complete the conversation in the server after you asked for help.

i am sorry but it is difficult for me because my english its awful and i dont be so much time in discord, its a bisexual plant but now it is dead :D

I understand.
So sorry to hear about the plant being hermaphrodite :(

wow, it happened to you just like it did to me, only I didn't keep them.

I would really like to recommend something for your soil, some compost, perlite, egg husk, bat guano, I don't know where you are in Argentina, but I do know that some of them ship and they are very good products. I use everything natural, biodegradable and agroecological, no chemicals. I send you my best regards! I hope our crops grow strong and healthy this summer!

If you use discord we can chat a little there, it would be very nice!

estoy usando muy poco compost porque utilizo tierra comun que previamente le agregue nutrientes, es verdad que mejora el crecimiento si la tierra es mas blanda pero por ahora no he ido a comprar tierra para las semillas auto que me regalaron los admin de esta comunidad :D

Claro, entiendo! Mientras tus bebas encuentren a gusto donde crecer sus raíces, bienvenido sea. A mi siempre me resulta increíble la fuerza de vivir que se esconde en cada pequeña semilla, solo nos queda celebrar esa vida! Abrazo y cuando plantes esas auto espero ver su crecimiento :D

si puedo comprare tierra esta proxima semana y germinare la auto en la mace de 10 litros que tengo :D

O dam herms suck, at least you caught it nice and early

now it is dead :D

To the person who stole my copy of Microsoft Office
I will find you. You have my word.

Credit: lofone
@jakiro12, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision.hypno
