No Weed In Sight

in WeedCash Network3 years ago (edited)

Weed Dreams took them 30 years to catch me and just because i was desperate enough to break into the police station to get me a smoke.

"You're a fucking cannabis addict" the pig shouts at me. "Yeah, i love the slightly funny making flash of one of the oldest medical plants there is on earth. Forbidden because a lobby of much too greedy people have decided for all humanity, and idiots like you support it."

Ha, when Jock told me, i didn't really believe that they have all the confiscated drugs stocked away in some room, which isn't even really locked. Now they are keeping me in this same room with all the weed i can imagine... and i don't have no fire on me. "Hahaha, what a joke, Jock" i tell myself and start eating it. That was just when i... woke up!

Man, what a dream... i'm definitely having some kind of withdrawal symptoms. Too long ago i had a proper smoke and why? Too much greedy people made this holy plant illegal for the sake of control and money. But how can a plant become illegal? It was the poor mans tobacco, so the tobacco industry was probably involved in all this. Same as the cotton industry or the number one reason, big pharma. This joke is not funny at all!

Until today they (who the fuck is they) tell us that THC is toxic and dangerous for humans, totally forgetting that this plant is used by humans for at least 5000 years. And cannabis can give you anxiety and make you very cautious on your actions. While booze takes away all that, and your able to make very bad decisions. But hey, go and drink some alcohol, just please don't abuse, because it might be dangerous.


Though i have to say, that the constant use of a lot of THC has his effects on the mind and is not for every soul the same. Since it amplifies your feelings, some folks should be careful with the consumption of cannabis. Also children and teens should stay away until the body is fully grown..!

Okay, we suppose it started with the hemp fiber, which was valued for making garments and other textiles and its seeds, used for food and oil. Also burned for making fire, where some kinds of plants started to make the folks relaxed and funny. And the first stoners where born...


Why is there no weed in sight

Hmmm, actually there is, some folks have there grow tents up and running like all over the world. But mostly for themselves and none i know for business. It is complicated anyway: First of all because the government calls it illegal, which i could live with, and do for almost 40 years now. But then, when i go to get hold of some, it isn't that easy at all. I need to know the one who grows, since myself, i never would go out into the streets to buy. To fucked up and insecure doing it that way and you never gonna know who you buy from and what's the quality, plus the street price here in France is around 12 to 15$ a gram (which would be around 425$ an ounce), so fuck that!

Then the ones i know who grow, are growing just for themselves and wouldn't sell you, which i can understand. (The simple use can lead to up to one year imprisonment which can be accompanied or substituted by a fine of 4000$. Now imagine you got caught selling it.) They give me from time to time, but when i just have a couple of smokes, seriously, i'm not even really interested. The fact that after the "last" spliff i'll just be unbearable for next coming days, doesn't really make me want to smoke.

I need my own tent and for that it's just not the moment. The house is too small, no garden or cellar. Too much neighbors too close around the house... so no for now.


But hey, i have canna-curates discord server with lots of infos and pics around my favourite plant. What else would i need?! 😁 😉 And the day we find the right property, i'll be ready to grow the weed out of heaven. BTW, thanks for all the excellent infos on your site Jon. Canna-Curate Rocks!


BTW, i'm the Dude
i do what i want, when i want and how i want!

All content is my own intellectual "property" otherwise you'll see a source indicated...

♫ ☕ ❤️ 😊 😃 😂 😎 😁 😉 ❤️ ☕ ♫

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Should add cannabis can give you anxiety and make you very cautious on your actions. While booze takes away all that, and your able to make very bad decisions. lol

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I got my place raided with a lot of cops involved one of them told me “we don't wish for this, but don't mind us we are just doing our job”.
Same night, I dreamed about the same cops visiting me. They were fixing electricity, painting walls and repaired my old chair, table was full of food, they even cleaned while I smoked my bong. When I asked what is going on they told me: "don't mind us we are just doing our job"

Love it! You know I know its risky, but you could set up a small tent, with a filter for the smell. Your only thing is you can only stick to one small plant at ta time, and fight to urge to not hoard plants! lol

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Bro, we have been thinking about every possibility for two years now... it's just not the time i guess. Ha!

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