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RE: Just the beginning 🔥 everyone was asking from a start to finish? Let’s give it a shot!

Canna-curate! Haha I was thought about you as soon as I started typing this up! Haha

Thank you so much 🙏, I understand you 100% everyone has to walk on egg shells around marijuana post with majority of the other apps! And so far I've been loving peakd ❤️

Oh I caaaaaaant wait to try it! It's banana trail mix, that picture was taken the day we were harvesting just a few days ago so right now it's currently drying, and then we will have to send some of it off to get tested. Suuuper interested in the results!

I have not used mammoth p, I believe I have heard of it before though 🤔🤔 maybe I should dig into it some do you like it? It's another type of microbes booster right? I'll definitely throw it in my spiral to dig into!


Yeah mammoth P seems to be good. But I imagine there are better and cheaper alternatives out there.