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RE: Harvesting the Sour Diesel

in WeedCash Network6 months ago

I have always said it @solominer, work with mysticism and enthusiasm generates success in what is desired, in your case it happens with your plantations that look beautiful. As always I wish you much success and we are fortunate that we are not alone, because thanks to Hive there are those who congratulate our achievements. Greetings from Venezuela.


Much appreciated, with every grow I think I gain new skills and learn what needs to be done and what did not work for me. So its a constant flux of moving ideas and equipment around. I think if my yield keeps growing then I am doing it right.

Take care

It gives a lot of satisfaction when friends like you @solominer with your talent achieve their planned goals. In this sense, I continue to wish you success. From Venezuela, I wish you all the best, especially in these Christmas days. I also thank you for your appreciation of my publications.