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RE: How do families best prepare for the age of technocracy?

in DTube4 years ago

Step by step... I hope to get to the Amazon and learn a little more about everything that involves agriculture. Anyway, even though it looks like a jungle, let me tell you that it seems like a magic world to me! Seeing the kids having fun is also part of that essence that makes everything spin.


The Amazon? It has been my dream since age 7 to go there!

And weirdly I was just chatting with @joseacabrerav a few days ago about this area because he has become friends with a native shaman in Amazonas and wants to make a documentary about these people and their message. Perhaps you may benefit from connecting with him?

Jajajaja yeah Yeah, I got so committed that now he's the man I walk with! I will be the other person on your team of two 😅 you are talking to the same person who greeted you a few days ago on video call!

I am a student of the shaman Rufino Ponare, cultural heritage of humanity. If you want some day when you have time you can see some posts I have written about the subject.

At the end of this publication are all the links

Okay! I feel a bit embarrassed now ;)

Sorry I didn't recognise you from your picture.

I was finally able to write a post for you today, describing your perfect kit. Hope this helps.