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RE: It all depends on how people experience something. // IAAC - 273

in DTube3 years ago

I agree it does all depend on how people experience something and it also has to do with the timing of when they are experiencing it. The first lock down was very nerve raking as I had to go to work because a was considered an essential worker. But by the time several lock downs had occurred, it was not as bad. Don't get me wrong, the virus is still bad but my experience of what is happening is just not as emotional.


Yes. I agree. Timing also depends on how people experiencing. In my state already imposed curfew condition. But I have go to my work because I'm also essential worker. I never get you wrong. We can improve every possibilities when lock downs had occured. But only few people spent their golden time for unnecessarily tasks in this dock down period. Have a nice day.


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.