It's Wednesday 27th May 2020! Happy Hump Day! Drop a link to an undervalued post for chance of resteem upvote and tweet (or leave me a comment and I'll check out your blog)

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

Hello 🐝lovely🐝bees🐝! It’s Wednesday 27th May 2020!! Happy Hump Day!

Yesterday I spent the morning strimming up at the renovation project. I intend to do more strimming this morning and then a lot of raking and clearing this afternoon. I also planted out the lilac tree that's been sitting in a pot for a couple of years!


I’ve opened up the artisanal shop (turned some lights on and stuck the sign out). Aside from Friday mornings it is appointment only at the moment.


I am looking forward to a PD from the other chain later today. Hopefully will be able to buy some Hive with it. Will be interesting to see what happens to the other token’s price now that it is week one of the new four week power down. Will a lot of people be taking advantage of it? I imagine so! In three weeks time I’ll be done with the other place for good.

Let me know what you are up to!

I hope you guys have a wonderful day.

Stay cool, everyone.

Be fantabulous! #BeHIVE!

I am looking to promote good posts on Twitter.

Show your posts (and other peoples posts) some #HIVElove! Drop a link to an undervalued post for the chance of a upvote, reblog and tweet!

If you don’t like self-promotion just leave me a comment and I’ll go check out your blog!

If you leave a link to someone elses post and I like it I will Reblog, Upvote and Tweet it AND I will take a look at your blog and do the same for one of your posts (if you haven’t posted in the last 7 days I’ll send you a TIP via the new PeakD tipping system)

Follow me on Twitter:

Here are some #HIVElove Tweets from yesterday:


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Be creative! Be whatever you want to be. #BeHIVE!


I also run a bed and breakfast in France!

You are free to use this gif : Be Free, #BeHIVE

▶️ DTube

Thank you my friend!
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Hola mi amigo lindo. Acá te dejo mi entrada. Gracias por tu apoyo. Abrazos.


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Is that the backyard of your house?

Yes, at the house we bought to renovate. A lot of work. But it is fun. We don't have a garden in the house we live in so it is nice to have one
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Absolutely, It's no easy task to renovate a house! And Thanks :D